This character wears his hair in two long braids
This animal would have been too much for the family to eat before it went bad, and so Frenchie doesn’t kill it.
A moose
Where are Mitch and Frenchie hanging out when the Recruiters come?
a treehouse
How does the family find Frenchie? (in what shape...)
bad! he's tired, hungry, dehydrated, and injured
Why is Frenchie upset with Miig at the Four Winds Resort?
he resents Miig telling everyone what to do all the time
Who exclaimed “you didn’t check for snakes first!” ? (64).
What were Mitch and Frenchie munching on at the beginning of the novel?
Where did the family have access to their own rooms but ended up sleeping altogether by the morning?
The Four Winds
How does Minerva ensure she is the only one caught?
she moves the ladder so they think she'd the only one in the barn
everyone else is up above with their things!
Why is Minerva so protective of everyone, feeding them when they're ill? etc.
she lost a baby to "the sick" once
This character has a scar across her face and was a skilled runner
What did Miig dump viles of into the water?
marrow samples
Where was the family when Minerva creates her diversion?
a loft in a barn
How does Frenchie feel about being back with his dad?
mixed feelings! incredibly lucky to have two father figures when most only have one or none; he also feels conflicted as he wants to start a life with Rose
Why did Isaac and Miig get caught by the recruiters?
Isaac was overly trusting about 3 indigenous people they found near their cabin; they betrayed them in the middle of the night
Is going to have a baby with Chi-Boy
Nishin is a word for what?
Where was the family when RiRi dies?
a campsite of Travis and Lincoln's, by a cliff.
How will they keep language going at the end of The Marrow Thieves
people like Isaac who are fluent...
Why are people (non-indigenous) unable to dream?
a stress response
the earth is falling apart (weather patterns, climate change, etc.) and people are psychologically distressed (is the implication)
This character was too young to hear story and had trouble sleeping, wouldn’t play anymore, etc.
This character was the key (and the key to what?)
Minerva and she was the key to bringing down the systems that were taking marrow from Indigenous people (system meltdowns)
Also Isaac at the end
Describe 3 settings from 3 different scenes in the novel…
answers may vary
How do they use the Indigenous people to solve the sleeplessness problem and how does Minerva help to save her own people?
bone marrow they extract to create some kind of serum to treat sleepless people
Minerva dreams in the language and when she sings all her dreams stored in her bone marrow come out in her song... and she blows it all up; it's powerful
Why does Miig tell story?
answers may vary...