A set of words complete in itself, or a criminal's punishment
What is a sentence?
The 6 feet (OK, legs) under an insect are typically attached to this, the middle of its 3 body sections
What is the thorax?
Brontophobia is fear of this paired weather phenomenon
What is thunder and lightning?
This "Royals" singer made Time magazine's list of the most influential teens of 2013
Who is Lorde?
"Monsters, Inc." is about Sulley & this buddy, last name Wazowski
Who is Mike?
It's the only country that borders both the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf
What is Iran?
To shape into a form, or a fungus that grows on food
What is mold?
For these biting pests of the family Culicidae, that annoying whine helps attract mates
What are mosquitos?
It's AKA fear of heights
What is acrophobia?
In a collaboration with Eminem, she sings of a monster that's under her bed & voices inside her head
Who is Rhianna?
Steve Carell is thick as Brick (Tamland) in this movie
What is Anchorman?
In 1937 his sister said he had "hats of every description," which he would use as a "foundation of his next book."
Who is Dr. Seuss?
Sensible & not easily upset, or a house for thoroughbreds
What is stable?
That's no fun! The Indian walking this usually reproduces via parthenogenesis
What is a stick?
Creepy sightings in the autumn of 2016 increased the national level of coulrophobia, a fear of these performers
What are clowns?
6 months after his death, this rock icon's Minnesota home & studio complex was open to the public for tours
Who is Prince?
Marius & Fantine are characters in this 2012 movie musical
What is Les Miserables?
He came to power 34 days before FDR and left it 19 days after him
Who is Adolf Hitler?
A machine for moving heavy objects, or a long-necked, long-legged avian
What is a crane?
These social insects use the "waggle dance" to communicate the location of distant food sources
What are bees?
Term for fear of spiders
What is arachnophobia?
He collaborated with Pitbull on "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love"
Who is Usher?
In 2005 Angelina Jolie was Mrs. this
What is Smith?
Both making news in June, these two Davids with similar last names are Lebron's new coach and Eric Cantor's conqueror
Who is David Blatt and David Bratt?
To hit with a fist or bat, or a terrestrial gastropod
What is slug?
Killing weak trees (good) but also healthy ones (not good), the pine engraver is this alliterative type of beetle
What is a bark beetle?
One of the most common human fears is glossophobia, fear of having to do this
What is public speaking?
Bey's younger sister, in 2016 she had her first No. 1 album with "A Seat at the Table"
Who is Solange?
This Union Secretary of State is a character in "Lincoln"
Who is William Seward?
A 2012 poll by Britain's National Army museum voted this man, born in 1732, as the nation's greatest military enemy
Who is George Washington?