Shoes, Sunglasses, Belt
Things you wear
Laying in the sun to darken the skin
De Niro, Duvall, Frost
White cooking powder in a bouquet
Flour Flower
This equation gives us nothing now, but this simple set of letters represents Pythagorean Theorem
a2 + b2 = c2
Jupiter, Soccer ball, Human eye
Gross spherical green vegetables
Pine, Rock, Evans
A rough instructional video
Coarse course
This piece of literature features animals portraying the major figures from the Russian "Red Scare"
Animal Farm
Falcon, Viking, Panther
NFL mascots
A smooth brown nut
Cruise, Arnold, Hanks
A hidden collection of money
Cash cashe
What would the chemical element NaCl be represented as in a household?
Table salt
Ball, Bucket, Bad Habit
Things you kick
A jolly old man
Dylan, Hope, Marley
An endearing way to start a letter from a horned animal
Dear deer
The first 10 amendments are known as what
Bill of Rights
Flood, Spot, Flash
Kinds of lights
Hudson, Jason Leigh, Garner
Grocery store organizers on a deserted piece of land surrounded by water
Aisle isle
What city in Texas contains a small replica of the Eiffel Tower?
Paris, Texas