Mythology and Legends
American Presidents
Art and Artists
Food and Drink

This river, considered the longest in the world, flows from Uganda through several countries before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the Nile?


In Greek mythology, this god is known as the king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus.

Who is Zeus?


This President, who served during the American Civil War and delivered the Gettysburg Address, is known as the 16th President of the United States.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


This Renaissance artist, whose works include "The Last Supper" and the "Mona Lisa," is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all time.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


This fruit, often enjoyed fresh or in desserts, is distinctive for its seeds that are visible on its exterior.

What is a strawberry?


Straddling the boundary between Europe and Asia, this country is known for its historical and cultural significance, including Istanbul and Ankara.

What is Turkey?


This Norse deity, often depicted wielding a hammer, is associated with thunder and storms.

Who is Thor?


This President, who served from 1933 to 1945, was elected to four terms and led the country through the Great Depression and World War II.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?


Known for his vibrant and emotive "Starry Night," this Dutch painter is a prominent figure in post-impressionist art.

Who is Vincent van Gogh?


The primary ingredient in this popular Mexican dip, often served with tortilla chips, is a creamy green fruit.

What is avocado?


This tiny city-state, entirely surrounded by Rome, is the smallest independent country in the world by land area.

What is Vatican City?


In Roman mythology, this goddess is associated with love and beauty and was known as the counterpart to the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Who is Venus?


This President was the first to reside in the White House, which was completed during his term.

Who is John Adams?


This Italian Renaissance sculptor is famous for his work on the Sistine Chapel ceiling and the statue of David.

Who is Michelangelo?


This type of pasta, which translates to "little ears" in Italian, is often paired with rich sauces and is shaped like small, round discs.

What is orecchiette?


This mountain range, which extends from Russia to Kazakhstan, is traditionally considered the natural divide between Europe and Asia.

What are the Ural Mountains?


In Egyptian mythology, this god of the afterlife and resurrection is often depicted with a green face and is associated with the underworld.

Who is Osiris?


Serving as the 44th President of the United States, this leader is known for his historic election as the first African American President.

Who is Barack Obama?


Before Michelangelo, this sculptor created an earlier version of the statue "David" during the Renaissance.

Who is Donatello?


This Japanese dish, which features vinegared rice combined with raw fish or other ingredients, is enjoyed worldwide.

What is sushi?


Covering an area of 5.5 million square miles, this desert is known for its icy conditions and is the largest desert in the world.

What is the Antarctic Desert?


In Arthurian legend, this mystical lady, who gives King Arthur his sword Excalibur, is known as the Lady of the Lake.

Who is Nimue?


This President, who served during the Cuban Missile Crisis, is remembered for his role in defusing the Cold War standoff.

Who is John F. Kennedy?


This American artist, known for his "Campbell's Soup Cans," is a leading figure in the pop art movement.

Who is Andy Warhol?


This alcoholic beverage, made from the fermentation of apples, is often enjoyed as a refreshing drink, especially in the fall.

What is cider?
