British Love
They Do Things Differently There...

She said: "You can always hold my hand if you need to feel steady." He said: "I don't know how, but you manage to make that sound a little risque."

Who are Mrs. Hughes & Carson?


The heir apparent to Downton, Patrick Crawley died in this tragedy.

What is the sinking of the Titanic?


"Anyone who has the use of their limbs can make a salmon mousse." Easy for her to say, being the head cook 

Who is Mrs. Patmore?


Mary: "Many families like ours are hunting families". In the show's premiere of season six, Lady Mary and Lord Grantham go hunting for these. 

What are foxes?

When Martha says: "the gang's all here." Violet quips: Is that how one says "Hello" in this language

What is American?


She said: Yes, you can kiss me, but that is all until everything is settled.He said: For now, God knows it's enough that I can kiss you.

Who are Sybil & Branson?


Beautiful Sybil tragically died from this shortly after giving birth

What is eclampsia (or preeclampsia)?


One of the three lady's maids to Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham

Who are Sarah O'Brien, Edna Braithwaite or Phyllis Baxter?


According to the Dowager Countess, "The library was assembled by the fourth earl. He loved books. What else did he collect? These animals and women.".

What are horses?


Rosamund has no interest in this language. "If she wishes to be understood by a foreigner, she shouts."

What is French?


Mrs. Patmore in reference to this couple: You don't have to marry him when it comes to it, but you can't let him go to war with a broken heart, or he won't come back.

Who are Daisy & William?


Matthew Crawley died in a car accident on the way home to Downton after this event

What is the birth of his newborn son?


Because of Ethel's work as this, Lord Robert Crawley is shocked when she serves his family Charlotte Russe. But the Dowager remarks, “It seems a pity to miss such a good pudding” 

What is a prostitute?


The name one of Lord Grantham’s Golden Labradors.

What is Pharoah or Isis?


"Things are different in America", says Cora. Violet retorts: I know they live in these Native American abodes

What are wigwams?


He said: Well, I have to take one thing for granted. That I will love you until the last breath leaves my body. She said: Oh, my darling. Me too, me too.

Who are Matthew & Mary?


Highclere Castle was temporarily transformed into a hospital to treat wounded soldiers during this war

What is World War I?


Edith proudly announces this new profession. Violet retorts, "since we have a country solicitor and a car mechanic, it was only a matter of time."

What is a journalist?


 "A Journey to the Highlands" episode of Downton Abbey, the characters primarily went hunting for this game while in the Scottish Highlands

What is red stag deer (or deer)?


 Upon Vera Bates' arrival with her suspicious background, the Dowager Countess asks: "Do you think she's mad? Ill? Or working for this country? 

What is Russia or Who are the Russians?


This nephew of Violet says about love “Love is like riding or speaking French: if you don’t learn it young, it’s hard to get the trick of it later.”

Who is Hugh ‘Shrimpie’ MacClare, Marquess of Flintshire?


Lady Edith Crawley was jilted at the altar by this not so young man

Who is Sir Anthony Strallan?


According to Daisy, no one in this profession "is his own boss. He takes his orders from teh sun and the snow adn the wind and the rain."

What is a farmer?


Donned in a fitted tweed hunting habit, Lady Mary races this animal in a point-to-point steeplechase.

What is a horse?


The handsome Kemal Pamuk that caught Lady Mary's eye, was a diplomat from this country

What is Turkey?
