Talking points
Override Codes

I am the page that you put the invitation number in 

What is the mock account screen


This is what can cause SMU-Disposable income to fire

What is Disposable income <=$500                    Bonus question: Where do I find this information. 


This is where you see what CBR'S have a CBR Misc Alert

What is F6 History in the comments in red 


I am what tells the PA next steps in the process and helps them understand the process

What is a good LPS (To begin the process, we will obtain personal information such as your name and SSN. We perform a soft inquiry to review your credit report, which has no impact to your credit score, and if we can get you prequalified, we will provide loan details including your rate and payment. )


This Is when I would override to decline for SMU revolving balance 

What is 

Decline application for response(s) listed below:

  • Utilization >65% ONLY on new trades or trades with credit limit increases initiated by applicant.
  • Balance increase not due to a one-time event.
  • Customer states card used to meet daily living expenses.
  • Applicant says cannot pay more than minimum.

I am where you put in the application number if the PA has already started an application

What is F11 find screen


This the RR that will fire if the PA has DB<50% and income <$25000

What is Low Income Ability to Pay.

Bonus question What SMU does this lead to clear it?


This is what must be done after contacting the PA and before you clear the CBR Misc Alert

What is put app id and memo in expert chat and get an ok to clear


I am the important talking point on the memo tool that must be asked prior to gathering income

What is: When providing your income please be sure to include all applicable income sources. The income on your application is an important factor in the loan decisioning process. 

Bonus question what must you ask if it is a B03 application? 


This is the codes I would use when overriding to decline for SMU Revolving Balance

What is either decline code (i.e. JG0042, JG0059, JG0092) if SSN matches CBR.

Bonus question what other code is to be used if SSN does not match CBR


I am where you would find the disposable income and Household debt burdon

What is the F10 credit summer screen


I am what causes you to do a SMU before a prequal offer.

What is verbal trigger


This is what I must do if there are different phone numbers on the CBR's

What is, when there are different phone numbers in the alerts on different CBRs, both phone numbers must be called to clear. 


This is what I must say if the PA want to pay off a Discover card

What is: We are not able to pay off a Discover card directly, but we may be able to deposit funds for you to manage in your bank account. 


These are the screens used in DLOS to do an override to decline

What is                                                               Click Decline on Calc and Decision [Shift + F7] screen. 

Select applicable letter and decline reasons on the A/c screen [Ctrl + F2] click ok, update 

Application automatically routes to P50 Override to Decline queue


I am where you would find the offer if the PA is prequslified

What is the DEC(K) OR Shist F7 calc and decision screen


This is where I find the questions to ask to clear a SMU (Be Specific)

What is the memo tool/Development tab/Review


This is what I do if a phone number is missing from the CBR Misc. Alert

What is: 

  • Override to decline > AC Screen> LJGD letter > JG0019. Refer to Judgmental Decline Codes (ACQ): DPL Job Aid.
  • Tell the applicant: 

    • Cannot move application forward 
    • Which CBRs are missing phone numbers and to contact CBRs to add phone number to fraud identity alert 
    • Call back within 15 days and reapply once phone number is added to continue with this application

I am the first part of what you say when communicating adverse action

What is Acknowledgement first 


This is who decides if the decline is valid with any override

Who is DEDOT


This is the screen I need to look at after I have made a prequal offer and the convert to application and why

What is F6 History to see the SMU/CBR MISC Alert in the Review Rule section


This is what I tell the PA if I am going to override to a decline for a SMU

What is Thank you for providing this information and for working with me to complete the initial processing of the application. What we do now is send this over for an additional review. The process can take between 1-2 business days. Once the review is complete, we will contact you by phone, mail, or email. You do have the ability to check the status of your request online or you are welcome to give us a call back. Would you like to take down your reference number to make it easier to follow up? 


This is what must be chosen on the memo tool when you are not able to reach the PA for a CBR Misc Alert.

This will scrub the application from your stats

What is pick CBR used click phone number listed click no to reached PA


I am all the elements of a Prequal offer

What is a confident off of the following:  congratulations statement, Loan amount, Term, Payment, APR, Goal (State APR and payment as estimate) 


These are the reasons you may be able to overrise to approve


Proceed based on the following:


Application was declined with Adverse Action reason code(s) related to inquiries


A manual CBR Hard Pull was completed due to Credit Bureau Fraud RR/CBR Misc RR Alert (ACQ): DPL Procedure guidance

The applicant is unsatisfied with decline reason: Unusual Risk Associated with Other Personal Loan Applications


There are no other decline reasons listed


The Application is in Hard Pull

The applicant is unsatisfied with decline reason Unusual Risk Associated with Other Personal Loan Applications


There are no other decline reasons listed


The application is Eligible for Override to Approve memo displays in DLOS (during soft pull)

  1. Move to Credit Bureau Fraud RR/CBR Misc RR Alert (ACQ): DPL Procedure to work all applicable CBR alerts.  
  2. Review DLOS Memos to determine any additional documents needed and request via fax for approval. Refer to Document Verification (ACQ): DPL Procedure.
  3. Move to step 11.

  1. Tell the applicant they must send in all required documents via fax (cannot upload or mail) for approval. Refer to Document Verification (ACQ): DPL Procedure.

    • Required Documents:

      • Last three Months Bank Statements 
      • Driver's License (front and back) - Active (unexpired)
        Note: If applicant states their Driver's License is expired and they have been unable to get it renewed due to COVID-19, ask applicant to send a state issued identification or passport instead, if applicant does not have a state issued identification or passport, advise applicant to send expired Driver's License and memo conversation in DLOS.

      • Utility Bill
      • Social Security Card
  2. Move to step 8.
  3. Tell the applicant they must send in all required documents via fax (cannot upload or mail) for approval. Refer to Document Verification (ACQ): DPL Procedure.

    • Required Documents:

      • Last three Months Bank Statements 
      • Driver's License (front and back) - Active (unexpired)
        Note: If applicant states their Driver's License is expired and they have been unable to get it renewed due to COVID-19, ask applicant to send a state issued identification or passport instead, if applicant does not have a state issued identification or passport, advise applicant to send expired Driver's License and memo conversation in DLOS.

      • Utility Bill
      • Social Security Card
  4. Move to next step.