A sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other form of organization permitted by law.
What is "Business Entity"
The amount due at the time of an initial application process.
What is "$90"
An ultra-light spritz that refreshes and hydrates the skin while smoothing the surface.
What is "Mult-Active Toner"
Soft cloth used to warm up the skin.
What is a "hot towel"
Having a license restored to effectiveness after the expiration date has passed.
What is "Reinstatment"
The amount due after September 1, 2024 to renew a license prior to the expiration date.
What is "$105"
This gel cleanser thoroughly removes impurites without disturbing this skin's natural moisture balance.
What is "Special Cleansing Gel"
Because they retain cold longer, these two types of stones used for cold stone facial massage.
What is "cold stones"
A license to work under the direct supervision of a currently licensed individual.
What is a "temporary license"
$210 is the amount to pay in order for your license to be ______________.
What is "reinstatement"
This moisturizer is great for chronically dry, mature or prematuraly-aging skin.
What is "Super Rich Repair"
This machine helps to stimulate circulation, as well as softening sebum and other debris.
What is a "steamer"
Any individual, not a corpoartion, who is trading under his own name or under an assumed or fictitious name pursuant to the provisions.
What is "sole propietor"
Prior to August 31, 2024, the original application and renewal amount was________.
What is "$90"
With the help of some steam, this product will help deincrustation and help facilitate with extractions.
What is "Multi Active Scaling Gel"
During the treatment masque, this area is often massaged for relaxation.
What is the "neck and decollete"
Any applicant who does not pass a reexamination within one year of the initial examination date shall be required to submit__________ and ____________.
What is a "new application and examination fee"
In order to apply for the instructor's license, a licensed individual must complete an instructor training course, and pay the initial application fee of _______.
What is "$125"
This Masque can be used all over the face including the eyes and the lips to help with dry, prematurely-aging and dehydrated skin.
What is "Colloidal Masque Base"
Also called the facial chair or bed.
What is a "treatment table"
Of the 600 hours required for practical performances, how many is required for Manual Facials and Treatments.
What is "65"
The application fee of $190 is required when attempting to open a __________.
What is a "Spa"
A serum for breakout prone skin.
What is "Niacinamide ionactive serum"
This heater is used to create a warm paraffin mask for hydrating dry skin.
What is a "paraffin wax heater"