This purchase type is used for 5K and less
What is a P-card Purchase
This report is utilized to track past due invoices
What is Aging Report?
Sealed bid; made to lowest, responsive, responsible bidder
What is an Invitation for Bid (IFB)?
An award made without competition to only one Supplier
What is sole source award?
This is used to Verify the vendor is in good standing in MD or the primary business location
What is an SDAT
Requests $25,001 or greater must be approved by what entity?
What is The Board of Estimates BOE?
Any change to this procurement type requires DOF approvals
What are Emergency Purchases?
Allows agencies to purchase from existing agreements used by multiple jurisdictions and requires a CCU form?
What are Cooperative Purchase Agreements?
Predominantly mental or intellectual, rather than physical or manual is what type of purchasing service?
What is a Professional Service?
Services rendered without a contract are considered what?
What is an unauthorized purchase?
Changes to add money or adjust the scope of the original contract
What are change orders?
This must be completed for requests $50,000 and above
What is a SMBAD Waiver
When there is no advantage, or it is not practical to obtain competitive bids
What is a Select Source Request?
After an emergency memo is drafted by the requestor it should be sent to who?
What is the Procurement Chief