Giving an inanimate object human characteristics.
What is personification?
Words that imitate a sound.
What is Onomatopoeia?
An exaggeration.
What is Hyperbole?
An example of this poetic device is:
Her smile was as bright as the sun.
What is a simile?
An example of this poetic device is:
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
What is a hyperbole.
A comparison using like or as.
What is a simile?
The use of language to represent objects, actions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, states of mind, and any sensory or extra-sensory experience.
What is Imagery?
An example of this poetic device is:
The flowers danced wildly in the wind.
What is personification?
The pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza.
What is rhyme scheme?
Describes how word choice, subject matter, and the author's tone convey an overall feeling that characterizes the emotional landscape of a poem for readers.
What is mood?
A comparison not using like or as.
What is a Metaphor?
Poetry that is free, yet has artistic expression is called ___________ verse.
What is free verse?
What is Prose?
Two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.
What is a Couplet?
a place, object, or action that can be used to convey hidden meaning
What is a symbol?
This many syllables make up 1 foot in iambic pentameter.
What is 2 syllables?
writing arranged with a metrical rhythm, typically having a rhyme.
What is verse?
A grouped set of lines within a poem.
What is a Stanza?
Repeating a word in a poetic line/poem used to show importance.
What is Repetition?
The beat and movement of language (rise and fall, repetition and variation, change of pitch, mix of syllables, melody of words).
What is Rhythm or Meter?