Dr. King’s hometown.
What is Atlanta, GA?
Dr. King’s wife’s name
Dr. King’s birth name
Who is Micheal King?
The age Dr. King’s was when he graduated high school
What is 15?
The number of siblings Dr. King had
What is two siblings?
The amount of books Dr. King wrote
What is five books?
The number of times Dr. King was arrested while fighting for equal rights
What is 29?
The topic the Coretta Scott King Book Award annually honors
What is outstanding books by African American authors and illustrators that reflect the African American experience and culture?
The two grades Dr. King skipped
What are 9th and 12th grade?
Dr. King’s religion
What is Southern Baptism?
The names of Dr. King’s children
Who are Bernice King, Dexter Scott King, Martin Luther King lll, and Yolanda Denise King?
The amount of speeches Dr. King made
What is over 2,500 speeches?
What is systematic theology?
Bernice King’s job
What is a lawyer?
The date of Dr. King’s first speech
When was April 17, 1944?