Three branches of government
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
2x + 4 = 16
x = 6
The mayor of Chicago has passed Away.
The Mayor of Chicago has passed away.
I baked cookies pies and cakes for the bake sale.
I baked cookies, pies, and cakes for the bake sale.
How old do you have to be President?
Three levels of government
Local, State, Federal
4 (x -2) = 2x = 4
the mississisppi River flooded last saturday.
The Mississippi River flooded last Saturday.
I am so upset that you didnt agree with me.
I am so upset that you didn't agree with me!
How many Senators are there?
How many people are in House of Representatives?
2p + 3p + 5 - 3 + 8
The president of the united States of America is Joe Biden.
The President of the United States is Joe Biden.
What are the components of Congress?
House of Representatives and Senate
How many Justices are there?
x2 - 5x - 50
(x-10) (x+5)
Jeopardy is the Coolest Game ever for hiset!
Jeopardy is the coolest game for HiSet!
What branch of the government makes the laws?
How long can someone be President?
4 years for 2 terms
(x +2) (x+7)
Winter, summer, fall, and spring are the Four Seasons.
Winter, Summer, Fall, and Spring are the four seasons.
Who votes for the Justices of the Supreme Court?