No Test-Stress

You should try to get this number of hours of sleep the night before an exam.

What is 8-10 hours of sleep?

You should do this when you first get your test.

What is write your name on your paper?


You should take time to do this after you finished your test.

What is relax, take time to enjoy self-care?


These top calming strategies can help settle you down right before a test.

What are taking deep breaths and calm-counting (counting to ten)?


____________ for a test helps you do your best.

What is studying?


True or False:  Pop-Tarts are a healthy breakfast to eat the morning before an exam.

False.  Pop-Tarts are empty calories with too much sugar and do not provide needed nutrients.  Choose fruit, whole grains, yogurt, eggs, or other alternatives.


True or False:  You should look over the entire test before you start answering questions so you know how to pace yourself.

True or False:  It depends on the person.  For some people, it helps to get an idea of what is on the test before they start answering questions; for others, it makes them more nervous.  You have to learn what works best for you.


Doing this after the test helps you worry less.

What is think positively about your test performance?


This is the number one reason for test anxiety.

What is fear of test failure (feeling a lack of adequate test preparation)?


If I don't make an _____, then it's okay.  As long as I tried my _____, I am satisfied with my test (rhymes).

What are A and best?


Reviewing this handout helps you to know what will be on the test.

What is a study guide?


This test-taking technique involves scratching out or marking through obviously wrong answers.

What is P.O.E.- Process of Elimination?


When you get your test returned to you, this is a good idea.

What is check over the items you missed and make sure you have the correct answers?


Examples are I can do it, I've got this, I'm a success.

What are some positive test-taking affirmations or success statements?


Th best test-takers are _________ and _________.

What is confident and prepared (or words with similar meaning)?


Using this process during class helps you to keep track of what the teacher is telling you about the lesson.

What is note-taking or taking notes?


Doing these test-taking methods help key facts or clues stand out in the questions.

What is underlining, highlighting, circling, etc.?


These are good for everyone to do to help relax themselves after a test.

Answers vary - Take walks, talk to friend, plan an activity at home, etc.


These are people you can talk to when you're facing test stress.

Answers vary - Who are your Counselor, teacher, coach, parents, siblings, other family members, friends, pastor, scout leader, etc.?


Tests help you __________ what you ___________ (rhymes).

Show what you know.


This is something people need to do when they don't understand something they've been taught, and when they don't they don't do it before the test, they often make careless mistakes on the test and get lower grades.

What is study or ask questions of the teacher?


This strategy is rereading previous questions to make sure you read them correctly after you've finished the test.

What is checking back over your work?


If you get an opportunity to retake a test to improve a poor test grade, make sure you do this first?

What is review the items you missed and/or meet with the teacher for extra help?


True or False:  Test stress is not real stress.

False.  Test stress is real stress and it can have a sever impact on your mind, body and overall health if you do not seek help.  Remember, you have support all around you.


True or False:  Test-taking requires patience.

True:  You must be patient with yourself and patient during the test-taking process.  Simply try your best.  No one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes.
