Why did the Grinch hate Christmas?
His heart was two sizes too small
What came out their big red box
thing 1 and thing 2
What is the name of the guy who cuts down all the trees?
The Onceler
Who is the main character of green Eggs and Ham?
Sam I Am
What is the first thing you can think?
What is the name of the Grinch's dog?
Did the fish like the Cat in the Hat?
How did the Onceler summon the Lorax?
He cut down a tree
How does this line end? Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a _____
How many elephants were drinking water?
What is the name of the little girl who?
Cindy Lou Who
Who made the mess?
thing 1 and thing 2
What is the name of the trees?
Truffula trees
What is in the box with Sam-I-Am?
A fox
How many times does Peter the Postman cross the ice on Saturdays?
What is the name of the town?
Who cleaned up the mess?
The Cat in the Hat
What did Audrey paint on the back of her house?
Truffula Trees
What does the main character say to Sam I Am after eating Green Eggs and Ham?
Thank you thank Sam I Am
What piece of clothing do the Snuvs wear?
How did the Grinch bring the presents back to WhoVille?
He rode his sled
What are the kids names in the book?
Sally and Conrad
What is written on the stone after the Lorax floats into the air?
How many people are in the train when Sam-I-Am is in a car on top of the train?
What is Kitty O'Sullivan Krauss's swimming pool over?
Her house