Often said instead of good or great
What did the child ask his brother after seeing the bumps on his face?
You got eczema?
What was the old video call/messaging app used by Microsoft before Teams?
What civilization predicted the world would end in 2012? What was the date?
Mayan - 12/21/12
Who is this?
What is used to refer to anything that is high quality or excellent?
If she was a witch, then what was her sister?
What was Walmarts original slogan and what is their current slogan?
"Always Low Prices. Always" - "Save Money. Live Better."
Who made the first hybrid car?
Who this?
What do you have when you're able to attract a romantic or sexual partner?
All these thickens
Who is the most followed person on YouTube and what does their content consist of?
MrBeast ... giving money away
Who wrote a letter in 1986 that cannot be opened till the year 2085? To whom was the letter written to?
Q.E. II to the Mayor of Australia
What is the term when someone who does way too much for the person they're interested in?
What was the woman's name who was confused for Beyonce?
Name all of the Xbox console variants
Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox one, Xbox x/s
What year will Jackie Kennedys pink suit be able to be seen by the public?
If you eat something really, really good, you might describe it as...
When was vine launched and what year did it shut down?
List these apps from when oldest launch to most recent?
Snapchat, MySpace, IG, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook
MySpace (03) Facebook (04) Youtube (05) Twitter (06) Tumblr (07) IG (10) Snapchat (11)
What was the name of the man who denied Ms Rosa Parks a seat on the bus?
James Frederick Blake