how many kids does Goku have
what happens when you get all seven dragon balls
you somnen shenron.
who was gokus first tranier
master roshi
how many flying nimbi are there
who invented the kamehameha
master roshi.
name all the androids in canon so no number 3 or 21 or in movies
16,17,18,19,20,and cell
who made the sensu beans.
who was the last character in DBZ that isn't kid buu
In super what item did he use to kill zamusu
a Zeno caller.
who made the special beam canon
what transformation was intoduse in ep 12 in daima.
super sanyin 3 for vegeta
vegeta is the prince of what race
with z fighter doesn't have a nose.
what is Goku's favorite food.
it was a trick qustion he does have one.
who taght Goku tp
how many times has piccolo loss a arm
who is one of the most important carictars in dragon ball
freeza Bulma Gohan and krillen.
what race is oolong in og dragon ball
a pig
what item did zamsu use to come back after buirs killed him.
a time ring
who taught Goku the spirt bomb
king kai m goat
how did piccolo become orange.
for granting a wish from shenron.
what bissnese does bluma work for
cc capsule Corp.
how is the grandfather of pan
I dbz fusion reborn what did janaba grow out his hand
a sword.
who made the mascinco