Drake's birthdate
October 24, 1986
Drake's favorite sport
What is on the Certified Loverboy Album cover
12 pregnant women emojis
How many Albums has Drake made
What did Drake do when he was 14
He played Jimmy on Degrassi
Toronto, Canada
Who is Drake's son
Adonis Graham
What did Ye do because of Drake's beef with him
He leaked Drake's address
What is Leo's favorite album by Drake
What is Drake's name on Twitter
what religion does Dennis Graham believe in
Why does drake have a heart outlined in his hair
hair loss caused by covid-19
Name two people who Drake has Dissed
Pusha T, Ye
How many number one songs does drake have
How tall is Drake
exactly 6 feet tall
What religion does Dennis Graham believe in
Who is Drake's best friend
Noah Shebib
How tall are the walls surrounding Drake's mansion
36 feet and 7 inches
What is Leo's favorite Drake song
Nonstop or that one segment of God's Plan
What song did Drake spend almost a million dollars in
God's Plan
Who did Drake's grandmother babysit
Aretha Franklin
Who is Adonis' Mother
Sophia brussaux
What did Drake do to trigger Ye
He followed Kim Kardashian
How many singles has Drake made
Who WAS Drake's celebrity crush
Nicki MInaj