This is the very first part of the warm up that helps with focus and professionalism
Seven Seconds of Stillness & Silence
Improv is...
The art of acting without a script.
In order for a group to be successful and productive in improv, the members of the group, called “players,” must to be able to do this
The improv skill that is introduced in the Ted Talk is
This is my favorite number
There are this many parts to the warm up
This is where performers would improvise in Italy in the 1500's
Public squares
Without this, improv scenes cannot move forward (Improv principle #2)
Galen thinks improv is about this
making other people look good
This is my married last name?
Practicing the syllables "He-Ha-Ho-Hu" stretches what muscle in our bodies
Two reasons we should study improv are..
Helps with daily communication and gaining confidence
Body language
If you reject and idea in improv it is called a
I have this many children
"The lips, the teeth, etc." is in which part of the warm up
Two things actors need to have/do in order to improvise are
vivid imagination and the ability to think on your feet
This allows improvisors to understand each other and communicate effectively
Close listening
One principle within the "Yes, and.." skill is
I have been teaching for this many years
This is the horse that won the race
Both one-one and two-two
Two types of improv are
short and long form
This is the foundation for all improv
Using the "yes, and.." skill in your life in general will do this
Make a positive impact on your relationships
These are the names of my children
Erin, Joshua (JoJo), and Autumn