
You have been hitting a little white ball around with a club. One time you found it in the sand. The next time it landed in the high grass. You just hit it and hear an extremely loud splash! What conclusions can you draw from this?

they are playing golf

I am a member of the weasel family, about the size of a cat. My fur is thick, black, and white. I live in a burrow and hunt for worms. Be careful. I create a strong odor when frightened! What conclusions can you make?
I am a skunk.

Mrs. Lee asked to see Joe's special card, so that he could check out a new book. What conclusions can you make?

he is at the library


Aunt June squeezed this fruit for my morning juice. It's name matches a shade of crayon. What conclusions can you draw?



Sarah's face was red. Her hands were sweaty, and she felt like she might faint. She thought, "Why did I volunteer for this Talent Show?" What conclusions can you make?

Nervous, embarrassed, scared, worried


You're sitting at the ballpark with a cap on to shield your eyes. Your Dad gets back to the seats with some hotdogs and cold drinks. What conclusions can you make?

they are playing baseball

I am covered with brown fur and have branched horns called antlers. I live in the deepest areas of the forest. What conclusions can you draw?
I am a deer.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Jess screeched as she ran across the sand. Gulls soared overhead and waves crashed on the rocks. What conclusions can you draw?

She is at the beach.


Jack used his spade and dug deep into the earth looking for this crunchy, orange vegetable. He had planted the tiny seeds in late fall and watched all winter as the green leafy tops bushed out on the ground. What conclusions can you make?



Kay scratched her head and tapped her chin. She sat there staring blankly at the puzzle. "HMMMMMM," she thought to herself. What conclusions can you make?

confused, puzzled


The buzzer sounds just as you hear a swoosh. The audience jumps up and cheers while the players celebrate. What conclusions can you draw?

A basketball team has won the game.

I am a member of the dog family and live in a den. I hunt for birds, mice, and rabbits at night. My name rhymes with box. What conclusions can you make?
I am a fox.

Mom and Dad hitched the wagon and Laura and her family headed out. The land was dark and alive with tall trees and dirt. It can be the home to many animals. What conclusions can you make?

They're in a forest. 


"POP!" Oh no! This sweet treat has made an awful mess in Santa's beard. What conclusions can you make?

He was chewing gum.


Bill had practiced his spelling words all week for the Spelling Bee. When he received his practice test, his eyes teared up and he just wanted to hide. What conclusions can you draw?

disappointed, upset, sad

The coach yelled a play across the field; however, the quarterback couldn't hear it over the sound of the beating drums. What conclusions can you draw?
A football team is playing a game while the band is playing.
I am a slow animal that is protected by my quills. I gather food in the forest. What conclusions can you draw?
I am a porcupine.

Mama scrambled the eggs, and Sue flipped the pancakes. Juan poured the orange juice, and Gage fried the bacon. What conclusions can you make?

they are in the kitchen; they are making breakfast


I want a double scoop of chocolate in a waffle cone, but I need to hurry and lick my dessert before it drips. What conclusions can you draw?

Someone is eating ice cream.


Yolanda yawned and sighed to herself, "Do I actually have to add 2+2 again? You know, I've been doing this same worksheet since I was in Kindergarten!" What conclusion can you make?



"On your mark, get set, go"! Sue dives into the icy water before the other girls leap off the board. What conclusions can you make?

Sue will probably win the swim race.


I can be found in Australia. I carry my baby in my pouch. I don't belong to the bear family. What conclusions can you make?



The pilot said, "Please fasten your seatbelts for take off." Mary grabbed my hand and grinned. "I can't wait to land in Colorado." Mary asked, "Do you have your boots, poles, and lift ticket?" What conclusions can you draw?

They are on an airplane; they are traveling to colorado to go skiing


A round pie made of crust, sauce, cheese, and pepperoni that is delivered. What conclusions can you make?



Jack stomped his foot and pounded the wall. His face was as red as a beet, and his heart pounded like a drum. What conclusion can you draw?

angry, mad, frustrated
