Example / BONUS

Half of the crowd stands up. They are all jumping and screaming. The commentator is yelling something excitingly. 

The team has just scored a goal OR they are at a soccer game OR They just won a game.


I sleep in a crib.

I drink from a bottle. 

I cannot walk or talk.

I'm a baby.


Sarah lit the candle as the room grew darker. The clock chimed eight times, so she knew it would soon be bedtime. She hurried to find her homework.

You can tell that:

She had not finished her homework


Justin is sitting on the couch playing X-box when his sister comes into the house with the dog. Sparky comes over to the couch and Justin notices that his fur is all wet. He glances towards where his sister was standing and just sees her hang up a yellow jacket.

It is raining outside


Example: “I will be back soon,” said Mary. She got into the boat and went out on the water. When she came back, Mary had many fish. 

Mary went fishing. Mary knows how to fish.


You have been throwing an orange ball around. One time the ball hit the hit the rim, the next time you made a shot. 

You are playing basketball


Freddy gets on one every morning to go to school. It is almost always very noisy. Freddy likes his. He knows its number and he knows his driver. He likes the people that ride with him, too.

Freddy likes his School Bus


Bill put on his hat and coat. He ran to the store to get food for his Mother. Then he ran home. When he got in the house, Bill sat by the fire. 

You can tell that:

You can tell that it is cold outside.


Mark and Mindy are eating out at their favorite restaurant. Mark orders dessert and the waiter brings is over. Mindy is about to take a bite when she notices something shiny sticking out the top of it. Just as she's trying to take a closer look Mark starts to ask her something.

Mark is going to propose to Mindy


You have been hitting a little white ball around. One time you found it in the sand, the next time in the high grass. You just hit it and then you hear an extremely loud splash.

You are playing golf (and the ball just landed on the water)


"It's my favorite place!" Stephen said. "I love to go there. My friends are there. I do fun things there. I even learn new things there. It makes me sad in the summer. I don't go there then."

This place is school.


Dan was in a tree. He could not get down. Dan called to his Father. His father went up in the tree. Soon, Dan was down. 

You can tell that:

Dan's father helped him get down.


Imagine you are walking down the street and you come across a house with overgrown grass that reaches waist-height, no lights in the windows, and the paint that is peeling off the siding.

The house is old. OR The house is abandon.


Its so cold you can see your breath which is surprising since its the middle of June. Suddenly a puck lands in your lap and spills your drink all over you.

You are at a Hockey Game (hockey arena)


Some farmers have lots of these Roaming around. Most of their food They eat from the ground. These animals are grown For their milk or their meat. They are big. It would hurt If one stepped on your feet!

The farmers have cows.


Betty and Mary ran down the street. They ran all the way to school. Both of the girls ran fast, but Betty got to school first. 

You can tell that:

Betty ran faster than Mary.


Adam's entire family just finished racing to the hospital. They scrammble to find out what floor he is on. They find out that he is on the third floor and take the first elevator up. They find his room and open the door. He is standing there quietly with something in his arms. He is smiling and his parents start to cry, but they are tears of joy.

Adam is holding his new baby


Neil gets paid every Tuesday. He has been broke for the last 6 days, but right now he is on his way to the mall and do some shopping.

Today is Tuesday, he just got paid
