Character Traits
Drawing Conclusions
Drawing Conclusions 2

Stacy is always doing anything that she can for others. She helps her sister clean her room every week and always offers to help her friends with their homework. She even helps her mom cook dinner every night even though she could be playing.

What is one character trait we could use to describe Stacy?

a.) brave

b.) helpful

c.) playful 

b.) helpful


I sat with my toes in the hot sand, digging a hole with my new shovel. I squinted in the bright sun at my sister who was squatting at the edge of the water, filling a pail with wet sand. "Time for a bite to eat!" my mother called to me and my sister from under the shade of the umbrella. Our sandcastle would have to wait until after lunch. 

Where is this story taking place?

The beach


Of all of the chores Katie had around the house, this was her least favorite. Folding the laundry was fine, cleaning her room wasn't so bad, and even doing the dishes was better than this. But she couldn't stand hauling the heavy bag out to the silver canister. All she could think about was the smell and the possibility of bugs. It was disgusting!

What chore does Katie hate?

Taking out the trash


Today has been a very busy day. I had to replace a knee and set a patient's broken arm into a cast. Now, I am examining a patient who has a fever and coughing. They may need to be prescribed some medicine. I am looking forward to taking off my white coat and relaxing during my lunch break. 

Who am I?

A doctor


Hi, I saw a picture of Sam on the stop sign in my neighborhood, and I think I might have found him. Does he have a red collar?...... Yes, he was playing in the water near my house, and I brought him inside.

Sam is ... 

Sam is a dog.

Terrance is always studying and reading. He passes all of his tests because he spends so much time studying and he always gets straight A's on his report cards. 

What is one character trait we could use to describe Terrance?

a.) studious

b.) interesting

c.) kind

a.) studious

I chatted with my parents and my brother while we all patiently waited for our food to arrive. It was very busy tonight, so we expected that it might take a little extra time. I unrolled my silverware and placed my napkin in my lap in anticipation. When our food did finally arrive, it was carried over on a big, round tray and placed carefully in front of us. The food was delicious, so my Dad left a big tip!

Where am I?

A restaurant


The campers sat around the campfire, laughing and having a good time when a strange noise came from the woods. The campers suddenly became silent and very still, listening to the rustling in the bushes. They had heard that bears were known to live in this area, and they started to panic. Just then, the creature appeared from the bushes. It was hardly a bear. In fact, with it's masked face, twitching nose, and long striped tail, it couldn't have scared anyone. 

What animal visited the campsite?

A raccoon

When I get to work, I write the agenda on the board, pass out papers, and set up a game for the kids to play. When everyone arrives, we read a story and discuss it before playing the game. The bell rings and it is time for lunch. After lunch, the kids go to humanities and I grade papers. 

Who Am I?

A teacher

Hi, yes, ma’am.......OK, I’m ready. I need 2 large cheese and a medium pepperoni. No, thank you; that will be all.

Who did I call? 

A Pizza Place

Toby's face fell when he found out he was going to have to do group work in class that day. He hated doing group work, no one else's ideas were ever as good as his. Whenever he has to work with a group, he always just tells everyone what to do so that they can't mess it up. Even when it comes to the smallest things, like coming up with a title for the project, he has to be the one in charge.

What is one character trait we could use to describe Toby?

a.) resourceful

b.) creative

c.) bossy

c.) bossy

Tyler was completely ready to face the day as he entered the building. He had his notebooks, his pencil, and he had even done his homework. He spotted his friends in the hallway and sped up to catch up with them. They chatted as they headed to class, making plans to play a game of soccer at recess that day. 

Where is Tyler?

At school.

James slid the card, featuring a huge slice of cake and balloons on the front, into the envelope. He stuck the tiny square in the top right corner and scribbled down the address. Sliding it into the large blue box, he hoped that it would arrive on time. Nobody liked a late birthday message.

What is James doing?

Sending a birthday card
Before the show, I practice my lines, looking into the mirror and pretending I have a huge audience. I get my hair and makeup done before getting into costume. I am a little bit nervous, but I am eager to perform. The curtain rises, and I step out onto the stage.

Who am I?

An actor/actress

Hi there! I need to rent a bus the 1st Thursday of April. How many children can your buses hold? Do they have televisions-because the kids would really enjoy that? OK. Will you be able to get us back to school by 2:45? 

A bus is needed because...

The class is going on a field trip.

June sits quietly on the bus, keeping to herself. Sometimes I try to talk to her, but her responses are always short. She never starts conversations with me or any of the other kids.

What is one character trait we could use to describe June?

a.) stubborn

b.) shy

c.) patient

b.) shy
The moment Alex had handed over her tickets at the ticket booth and walked through the gates, her palms had started sweating. She had always been afraid of heights. Staring up at the curving metal structures that towered above her, her stomach turned. Her best friend Tina loved rides, and she had promised her she would try to face her fears. So with a deep breath, she joined her friend in line.

Where is Alex?

An amusement park
He gave the speech in front of a rowdy crowd. Flags were perched down the street as far as the eye could see as he stood at the podium and told the people just how he could change their lives and make their country a better place. Several months later, he would be sworn into the office while all those who voted for him watched. 

Who is this person giving the speech?

The President

Every morning I pull on my uniform and lace up my boots. The sun hasn't come up yet, but I have to be standing at attention by 6 AM. Later on, we all practice our land navigation skills and clean our weapons. My job is never easy, but I have the honor of defending my country. 

Who am I?

A soldier


I’m sorry, Riley, but you are punished from TV and video games. Why? You know why- you know your teacher expects you to do it every night but you didn’t so now there are consequences. Yes, I know you had to miss recess, but you are still punished at home, too.

Riley is punished because...

Riley did not do her homework.
Brooklyn's mom gave her a big hug as she came down from the stage. She hadn't won first place, but her performance had still been amazing and her mom was extremely proud. 

What is one character trait we could use to describe Brooklyn's mother?

a.) funny

b.) confident

c.) supportive 

c.) supportive

Hannah stared out the window, knowing the steps that she was about to take would change her life. Carefully locking her helmet in place, she hit the button that opened the door. Stepping out of the ship, she felt as though she were flying. She navigated the rocky surface of this new place, bouncing around craters and appreciating the beauty of the bright stars surrounding her. She spent the afternoon collecting samples before returning to the ship. 

The moon 


I just can't figure them out, and sometimes I get so frustrated. For example, the other day I tried to save a paper, but when I came back an hour later, the paper was erased! I don't like emailing either -- what ever happened to regular old hand written letters? Not to mention, there's so much vocabulary to know! Hard drives and web surfing and browser settings, it's all just too confusing!

What is this person frustrated about?


Every day I am responsible for protecting my clients and making sure that they receive a fair trial. I stand in front of a judge every day and speak for my client, ensuring that their constitutional rights are protected. 

Who am I?

A lawyer


Hello sir, I would like to have my son’s party at your place. OK. How much will that cost? How many tokens will each child get? Will they get pizza AND cake? that sounds great! He will love that! 

The party will be held at....

Chuck E. Cheese -or- Dave & Busters
