Who am I?
What do I do?
What do I need?

I wear a white coat. I work in a big building. I help sick people. Who am I?

I am a Doctor.

I am an Author. What do Author's do?

I write stories. 


I am a Soccer Player. What are things I need to do my job?

I need a soccer uniform, a soccer ball and cleats (soccer shoes). 


I work with animals. Sometimes I can grow fruits and vegetables. I am outside all day long and ride a tractor. Who am I?

I am a Farmer.


I am a firefighter. Name 2 things I do. 

I put out fires. I climb buildings. I help teach people about fire safety. 


I am a Pro Gamer. What does a Pro Gamer need to do his job?

I need a computer and wifi. I need a team and a competition to play in. 


In most countries I wear a blue uniform. I carry many tools for my work. I drive a car or a motor bike and have a siren. I help keep people safe. Who am I?

I am a police officer.


I am a Chef. What does a Chef do? 

I cook many different dishes. I taste different food. I work in a kitchen. I cut vegetables, fruits and meat. 


I'm a Ballet Dancer. What does a ballet dancer need to do her job?

I need ballet shoes and ballet uniform. I need a stage and music.


I build houses and buildings. I work outside all day long. I use many tools for my work. Who am I?

I am a construction worker. 


I am a teacher. What does a teacher do?

I teach kids different subjects. I check homework and classwork. 


I'm a Content Creator. What does a content creator need to do her/his job?

I need a camera, wifi and ideas to do my job. I also need money. 


I work in many different places. I use instruments to do my job. I make beautiful sounds with these instruments. Who am I?

I am a musician.


I am a Pilot. What does a Pilot do?

I fly an airplane. I travel to different countries.


I am a Scientist. What does a scientist need to do his/her job?

I need a lab, a white coat, science tools and material to do my job. 
