Age groups DREAM benefits
3-24 years old
DR is located in the island of
Words to describe dominican complexion
Mestizo, moreno, marrĂ³n
Common educational concern for students across D.R.
Literacy, critical thinking, mathematic abilities
Deportes para la Vida (DPV) promotes
healthy decision-making pertaining to reproductive rights and leadership skills
Indirectly. Avoiding anything hurtful
Factors that harm Dominican women's opportunities
Early pregnancies, violence, inequity
The Montessori methodology believes in
3 ethnic influences in D.R.
African (sub-saharan), european and native
3 big factors that influence our cycle of poverty
Poor education, poor access to quality services, teen pregnancies
A Ganar trains the youth to
Develop necessary life skills and receive mentoring to enter the workforce.
DREAM is located in
Cabarete, Puerto Plata
3 main colors on our flag
Red, blue, white
Controversial physical traits
DREAM helps the local community by
Offering and promoting accesible education, mentoring, scholarships, providing equal access to opportunities, teaching soft skills and sexual and reproductive health.
To promote our native genre while offering free musical education to keep the youth off the streets
Ways colonialism manifests in D.R.
The native dominican musical genre
Effects of poverty on the local male population
Crime, unemployment, maintaining stability, unplanned families