What year was Dred Scott Born
What state was Dred Scott born in
What level court did the Dred Scott case Reach
Supreme Court
What war did the decision of this court case lead to?
The Civil War
what time do we start and end school at the middle school
8:00 - 3:00
what year did the Dred Scott case first go to trial
What is the name of Dred Scotts Wife?
Harriet Robbison
What city did the Dred Scott vs. sandford case take place in?
St. Louis
JThis President wrote the Emancipation Proclamation because of the effects of the Dred Scott Case
Abraham Lincoln
August 25- bobby's birthday
who owned Dred Scott in, 1847, that led him to bring his case to court
John Emerson
What social class was Dred Scott born into
the slave class
True or False: 2 years after the decision the state of Illinois and the new Territories Declared Dred Scott a free man
True or False: Dred Scott was able to attain his family's freedom before the creation of the 13th amendment
true: he bought his family's freedom in 1857 a few months after his court case
When was upper merion middle school built
when was the Scott family finally granted a second trial.
How many kids did Dred Scott and his Wife Have
4 children
who was the defendant in this court case
John Sanford
What part of the country agreed with the courts Decision of the Dred Scott case
The South
how many elementary schools are there
When did Dred Scott Appeal his case to the supreme court
True or False: Dred Scott was Successful in suing for his freedom
what amendment did they use to justify keeping dred Scott in slavery?
5th Amendment
The Dred Scott Case led to the improvement of this government branch.
The Judicial Branch
When was the community center built
Fall 2015