Dress Code Basics
Tech at School
Dress for the Weather
Using School Tech Responsibly
Tech at Home

The "modesty box" that students should keep covered?

What is the area from the armpits to mid-thigh?


The personal devices students are not allowed to bring to W2LA.

What are cell phones, iPads, or gaming devices?


Appropriate winter gear that students are expected to wear during cold months.

What are hats, snow pants, winter jackets, scarves, boots, and mittens/gloves?


Students must do this before using technology.

What is wash their hands?


The age at which W2LA recommends students are allowed to have a flip phone with no internet access.

What is age 12?


Hats are allowed at W2LA under this condition.

What is as long as they do not cover the face and eyes and are not a distraction in class?


The thing parents should do if they need to contact their child during school hours.

What is call the school office, and the office manager will make sure the student returns the call during a break?


This happens when a student dresses inappropriately for cold weather.

What is they still go outside as a natural consequence, but extra jackets and hats are available?


Food and drinks should be kept here when using school devices.

 What is on the floor, away from the technology?


The grade at which W2L recommends for students to gain access to smartphones or social media.

 What is 9th grade (high school)?


Yoga pants are allowed during the day, but only when paired with this type of clothing.

What is a long shirt or skirt that covers the modesty box?


The consequence for the first three infractions of the technology policy?

What is the student will need to freely submit technology to LC or W2L Staff?


The appropriate clothing for rainy weather in the spring and fall.

What are rain jackets, rain pants, rain boots, and umbrellas?


If students misuse technology multiple times, they risk this.

What is access to technology privileges?


The action that should be taken with technology devices an hour before bedtime.

What is submit the technology to parents?


This type of footwear should be worn inside after removing snow boots or garden shoes.

What are clean indoor shoes, slippers, or dry tennis shoes?


Two major violations that lead to immediate loss of technology privileges at W2LA.

What are bypassing safety protocols to access inappropriate sites or engaging in cyberbullying?


The two situations when students are not required to go outside during breaks.

What are poor air quality or a lockdown situation?


The number of warnings students receive before they lose technology privileges for misuse.

What is three warnings?


The device that should be used instead of a phone to wake up in the morning.

What is an alarm clock?


Clothing with these types of images or words is prohibited at W2LA.

What are blood, guts, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, swear words, satanic images, nudity, dead things, or witches?


Things students must do to keep school devices safe from damage.

What are clean hands before use, no food or drinks nearby, and avoid slamming or harsh treatment of the device?


The extra layer of clothing girls should wear over leggings or skirts during winter breaks.

What are snow pants?


This is what happens when a device is damaged due to a student's misuse.

What is parents and students will be responsible for repairing or replacing the device at their personal cost.


The additional step parents should take to ensure kids aren't sneaking technology use at night.

What is shut down the internet at bedtime?
