For an interview this should be two pieces and conservative with colors that are solid dark blue or grey.
Business suit
A short skirt, wrinkled shirts, cleavage, tennis shoes are all examples of?
Inappropriate professional attire
For men, if you normally wear them, you should take them out!
For men this accessory is often not necessary in business casual, but is essential in professional dress?
Neck tie
Once employed, you can often read this when you want to know what dress code is required
Employee handbook
During an interview its okay to wear electric bright colors and lots of jewelry?
No! False During an interview stay away from electric bright colors like yellow or a flaming red. You want the attention to be on you not on the loud colors.
This one always continues to make a lasting impression.
First impression
What is the recommended heel heights for women.
1.5 to 3 inches
These bottoms can be worn for casual wear ONLY
This type of posture should be avoided during interview.
This gesture is evaluated both in the beginning and end of interview.
Firm handshake
Respect, attention to detail, credibility, achieves personal goals
In this rule which includes glasses, earrings, necklaces, watches, bracelets, rings, a belt, scarf ornate buttons, and buckles, if a women goes past this, she is over accessorized
Rule 13
What are Chinos, Corduroys, slacks ? Dress code?
Acceptable Dress Code:
Business casual, Smart Casual and Business Informal
Women, if you must wear use clear or a conservative colors, if you wear this it should be minimal and not to noticeable
Nail polish
After each interview this form of communication is used as thank you.
Follow up email
When it comes to dressing for success, wearing these are a requirement for skirt suits.
For men, what must match your shoe color.
Your belt and /or socks
When it comes to appearance, doing this to your entire outfit can add additional appeal
Ironing. Ironing your clothes the day before as well as trying on your clothes can ensure you are ready for your interview!
Make sure this is constant during the interview,
What is eye contact?
55% of first impressions are based on this.
Physical appearance
Two things that should not be worn low during interviews.
Women's tops and Men's pants
Extra documents, keys, cell phone, and business cards are carried in this item.
Briefcase or satchel?
When is it appropriate to wear the same outfit to work?
When wearing a uniforms
Type of nonverbal communication in which physical behavior, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information.
What is body language?