Drew's favorite color
It changes based on the day.
"I got friends on the other side..."
Dr. Facilier
This champion is famous for her blue hair and scissors.
Name a character's whose ability allows them to transform other players into different characters (Not counting setup).
Pit Hag, Engineer, Farmer, Huntsman, Hatter, Wizard, Snake Charmer, Fang Gu
Name one of the three Kanto starter Pokémon.
Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur
Drew's full name
Andrew Alan Decker
"When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs"
Name a League of Legends champion who's name starts with a Z.
Zeri, Zoe, Zyra, Zac, Zed, Ziggs, Zilean
This character's ability ends games incredibly quickly through seeming luck (to the frustration of many).
_ these nuts
Gulpin, i would accept Slugma
Drew has canonically fricked this League champion.
"What I desire, is man's red fire, so I can be like you!"
King Louie
Name one ability or passive Lux has in her kit.
For a bonus 50 per and no loss of points on being wrong, name the rest of her abilities/her passive.
Passive: Illumination
Light Binding
Prismatic Barrier
Lucent Singularity
Final Spark
What does the Gangster Traveler do?
Once per day, you may choose to kill an alive neighbor, if your other alive neighbor agrees.
This Pokemon move is a blast!! It causes your Pokemon to faint while dealing massive damage to the opponent's.
Drew owns a mask of this fictional character.
Freddy Fazbear
"And this is the thanks I get?"
King Magnifico
Jax has this unique mechanic that no other champion in league has.
Going fishing in the river
Name a Townsfolk from Bad Moon Rising.
Grandmother, Sailor, Chambermaid, Exorcist, Innkeeper, Gambler, Gossip, Courtier, Professor, Minstrel, Tea Lady, Pacifist, Fool
The name of the glitch "Pokemon" that supposedly appeared in the original games.
Each player guesses how many messages in total are in Drew and Rory's DMs, closest answer gets points.
"He made the devil so much stronger than a man."
This item's base stats (without any abilities it has) are +115 ability power, +10 ability haste, and +4% movement speed.
Lich Bane
This Fabled role prevents more than one evil player from being created in a given game.
Spirit of Ivory
The name of the Pokemon that this Pokedex entry references: "It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit."