The standard reference point for 3-6 inches away from a line or curb on the right.
What is the center of the hood?
The part of your vision that allows you to see details.
What is central vision?
Your traffic light changes to yellow as you approach an intersection. In most cases, what action should you take?
What is make every reasonable effort to stop?
The proper way to search an intersection where a stop is NOT required.
What is on approach to the intersection, search 45° to the left, check the front, and 45° to the right?
Broken white lines mean.
What is separate traffic moving the same direction? AKA a one-way street.
The standard reverence point for 3-6 inches from a line or curb in front of the car.
What is the corner posts or side mirrors?
When stopped behind a vehicle you should be able to see....
What is the rear tires touching the pavement?
When making an unprotected left turn, you must yield to..
What is all traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists?
A closed zone/area means.
What is there is a blockage to your line-of-sight or path-of-travel?
An intersection that has no signals or signs is called....
What is an uncontrolled intersection?
The standard reference point for 3 feet away from a line or curb on the right.
What is the middle of the right half of the hood?
The minimum amount of following time needed to create an open front zone/area.
What is 4 seconds?
A flashing yellow arrow at a traffic light means you are required to...
What is yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians then proceed only when clear?
The proper way to search an intersection where a stop is required.
What is from the front limit, search deep 90 degrees to the left, check the front, and search deep 90 degrees to the right?
The only sure way to reduce the body's BAC adn the degree of impairment is to....
What is wait the necessary time the body needs to eliminate the alcohol?
The transition peg/point for a right turn is.....
What is the rear view mirror?
The purposes of traffic signs are.....
What is to regulate, warn, and guide?
The point-of-no-return is that place where you are no longer able to stop without entering that space. How many seconds away from the front of your vehicle is the point-of-no-return?
What is two seconds away?
Line of sight restrictions do this.
What is limit your ability to gain good information about the the condition of your intended path-of-travel?
When parking on the right side of the roadway, facing uphill, with a curb the wheels should be.....
What is turned to the left, towards the roadway?
The transition peg/point for a left turn is....
What is the left front corner post?
When performing a backing turn you should target the rear by looking....
What is over your left shoulder to back to the left and your right shoulder to back to the right?
Drivers are required to yield to pedestrians here.
What is all marked or unmarked crosswalks?
“While stopped in traffic, monitor the rear zone for sand barrels” means....
What is keep an eye on the rear zone/area until 2 cars have stopped behind you?
A legal stop is this.
What is car stopped with front bumper before the stop line and crosswalk?
The standard reference point for 3-6 inches away from a line or curb on the left side of the car.
What is approximately one foot from the left corner of the hood?
What is only vehicles 1&2? It is legal to turn left on a red from a two-way to a one-waystreet.
When backing a vehicle you are required to yield to...
What is all traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists?
When approaching an intersection that is closed by a red or solid yellow traffic light, you should....
What is check the rear zone/area and close in gradually?
When a school bus is stopped in the oncoming lane of a two-way street to load or unload passengers, it's red lights flashing, traffic...
What is both lanes of traffic must stop?