A sign that is orange in color
What is a construction or detour sign
Keep your hands between what positions on the wheel
A flashing yellow arrow stands for what
What is yielding to all traffic
How should the seatbelt fit
What is snug across the upper body and lap
During a parking maneuver, where do you begin steering at
What is
When driving over speed bumps how fast should you be going
Before entering your vehicle what is the first thing you should do
What are the 3 basic parking methods
What is parallel, angle, and perpendicular
When a light has been green for a while what is this called
What is a stale green light
Before exiting the vehicle what should you do
What is put the vehicle in park
How should the front tires be turned when parking uphill against a curb
What is left
What is a motorist service
Why can you never fully rely on your mirrors
What are the blind spots