a sign with a deer on it
what is a deer crossing sign
yielding means . . .
what is slowing or stopping and give the right away to approaching traffic
how you should exit the freeway
what is an off-ramp
the circle on the right that has F at the top and E at the bottom
the fuel management gauge
the main reason people get pulled over
A yellow and black or a black and white sign that talks about speed, position or attention
what is a warning sign
The legal response when turning left at a flashing yellow light
what is yielding to other cars and pedestrians and preceding when it is safe
things to do when you are being tailgated
what is . . .
-avoiding sudden movements
-pulling over to a safe location
-communicate moves early
the circle in the middle that starts at 0 and goes up by tens to 100
what is the spedometer
the thing that goes first after one consumes alcohol
judgement or coordination
what is judgement
a blue, green, or brown sign that provides information
what is a guide sign
the advantages to timing your approach to a green traffic light
what is . . .
-fewer chances of conflict for your front & rear
-reducing waiting time for waiting for the next green
-reducing the chance of a skidding crash
differences between driving in the city and driving the freeway
what is . . .
-freeways have limited access
-no traffic lights or pedestrians
-no parking or U-turns
what does an odometer track
the thing that happens after one drinks a lot of alcohol in a short period of time
what is blood alcohol poisoning
a sign with an orange background in a diamond or rectangular shape
a temporary construction sign
A stale green light
the action you do when driving at night and you avoid the glare of approaching traffic
what is glancing to the right
the circle on the left that starts at 1 and goes up to 8
what is a tachometer
the ways marijuana impairs a driver
what is . . .
-delayed reaction time
-badly judging distances and speeds
-delayed timing an coordination
a sign with an X and two rs on either side
what is a railroad sign
the things you do when an animal is in your lane
blare your horn while coming to a controlled stop
things to do when driving through a work zone
what is . . .
-driving slower/ obeying the speed limit
-staying a safe distance from workers and equipment
-merge when possible
the data the tachometer tracks
what are revolutions per minute of the engine
the most common way to get a ticket
what is . . .
-blowing a red light
-not signaling