What is the minimum score must you get to pass your written driver's test before receiving your permit.
80 percent or 40 out of the 50 questions.
True or False: It is legal to drive with a BAC of .08
A triangle-shaped sign is a...
While driving around a curve your vehicle may tend to...
keep going straight
How many passengers may a driver have if they only have their permit?
1 passenger other than the one helping the driver with his or her permit
What is the minimum age to drive past 11:01
True or False: It is legal to drive with a .01 BAC at 18 years old.
A sign with 8 sides or octagon is a...
Stop sign
Headlights must be used...
30 min after sunset and 30 min before sunrise
Road surfaces are most slippery in the _______ into rainfall.
first few minutes into rainfall.
what position should your hands be on the wheel
9 & 3
False or True: You have the right to deny taking a breath test.
True but you will automatically be charged with a BAC of .08
When the pavement is marked with two centerlines, one solid and one broken it means...
what is the toxic, odorless gas that is released from the exhaust of your vehicle that can kill you if you breathe it in?
Carbon Monoxide
Who is required to wear a seatbelt in a car?
Everyone (passengers and driver)
How many points of ID are required to take your road test?
6 points of ID
True or False: You may park 25 feet behind a stop sign.
False (must be 50 feet away)
What is the color and shape of a railrode crossing sign?
An X and black and white
If you drink beyond a BAC of .1%, the risk of you causing an accident is ___ times as great.
6 times as great
During bad weather conditions a truck takes ____% longer to stop.
25% more time needed to stop.
True or False: When parked uphill make sure to turn your wheels toward the curb
A blue sign with an H represents a _____ ahead
If you go into skid, you should...
take your foot off the gas and turn into the skid
To make a safe right turn you should...
approach intersection to the farthest right possible.