How far should you park from a fire hydrant?
10 ft.
How much is the fine for driving without a license?
$500 dollars and possible imprissonment?
Where should your hands be on the steering wheel?
9 and 3
How old do you have to be to get your special learners permit?
What speed should you go in a school zone?
25 mph unless listed other wise
How far should you park from a stop sign?
50 ft.
How much is the fine for leaving your car running in a parked area for over 3 minutes?
$250, if it continues to occur it will be $1000 per violation?
Legally what passengers are required to wear a seatbelt?
The driver, and the front seat passenger
How old do you have to be to get your probationary license?
When is passing allowed?
If there is a dashed line on the road
How far should you park from the curb?
8 Inches
What is the fine for driving with you cellphone?
When is it okay to use a cellphone while driving?
Incase of an emergency, and you should pullover
How old do you have to be to get your basic license?
What type of signs are blue?
How far should you park from a railroad crossing?
50 ft.
What are the consquences of drunk driving?
Loss of license for 3 months, $1,000 dollars a year for 3 years, and up to 30 days imprisson
If you are drunk, what is the only thing that can sober you up?
A. Coffee
B. A nap
C. Time
D. Advil
How old do you have to be to get your GDL?
What type of sign is a stop sign?
How far should you park from a crosswalk?
25 feet
What is the fine for improperly passing a frozen dessert truck?
What 3 things should you always carry with you while driving?
License, registration, insaurance
What age can you get your mopehead license?
What shape is a yeild sign?