Permit Test
Traffic Signs
Right of Way
Bad Weather

A steady yellow traffic light at an intersection indicates that drivers need to...

Stop unless they are already in the intersection 


What does this sign mean?

Two way traffic, traffic in lanes next to each other moves in the opposite direction. 


Is it required for you to yield to a transit bus and allow them to merge into your lane if they are signaling to enter the traffic lane?

Yes, once a bus is signaling they are going to enter the traffic lane, it is required for the vehicles to yield. 


What is hydroplaning? 

Hydroplaning is a dangerous driving condition that occurs when water causes your car's tires to lose contact with the road. 

Avoid the urge to slam on your brakes and ease your foot off the gas pedal. Use a light pumping action on the brake pedal, if needed. Do not brake or turn your steering wheel until your tires get in contact with the road again. 


In the event of a crash, you should... 

In the event of a crash, you should:

- Stop immediately

- Check for injuries

- Call the police and emergency personnel

- Exchange name, address, phone number, and insurance information 


When a school bus is stopped with its red lights flashing on the opposite side of the road, the driver must...

Drivers must stop their vehicles at least 20 feet before reaching a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing, whether it is on your side of the road, on the opposite side of the road, or at an intersection.


When you see this sign, what are you supposed to do?

You must slow down and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and vehicles that are approaching from another direction.



Who has the right of way when you are merging into a highway?

The vehicles already on the highway. 


What is the easiest way to keep snow off the windshield while driving? 

Windshield wipers + defrost setting

Windshield wipers keeps snow off the windshield but defrosting helps avoid melted snow to stick and freeze on the windshield. It also helps reduce condensation. 


What actions should you take when an emergency vehicle has it's siren and flashing lights on? 

You should yield the right-of-way to emergency vehicles. This means moving towards the farthest right-hand lane when an emergency vehicle is approaching and driving with due care when passing a stationary emergency vehicle


When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road that is not wide enough for two vehicles, the vehicle going downhill...

MUST yield the right-of-way. It must stop at, or back up to, a wider place to leave sufficient space for the vehicle going uphill


What is this sign letting the driver know?

There's a sharp turn ahead, speed limit for the curve is 20 MPH.


Bicycles on the road:

Do they have the same rights and responsibilities as other vehicles on the road or do they have the same rights and responsibilities as pedestrians? 

Bicycles on the road are considered vehicles. 


When is snow most dangerous on the road?

When it has freshly fallen or when it begins to melt?

When it begins to melt.


What is Colorado's "Move It Law"?

The "Move It Law" requires drivers involved in a small accident to move their cars off the highway when: 

- the car is drivable

- no drugs or alcohol are involved

- there are no injuries

This gets the accident out of the way of other drivers and makes the road safe. 


Because of their size, trucks and buses often need to move ________to make right turns.

Because of their size, trucks and buses often need to move into the left lane to make right turns. Cutting in between the truck and the curb increases the possibility of a collision.


What does this sign mean? 

The sign indicates a risk of falling rocks and that there may be fallen rocks on the road. The symbol is adapted to the conditions of the location.


You are driving and your traffic signal to turn left is green, but there is a bicyclist finishing crossing the street on your left. What should you do?

Yield to the bicyclist.


If your vehicle is skidding on snow/ice, what direction do you turn your steering wheel?

Away from where you are skidding to or in the same direction your car is skidding to? 

You have to turn your steering wheel in the same direction that you are skidding to. 


Tire blowout:

What should you do if you are driving and your vehicle gets a tire blowout? 

Hold the steering wheel tightly, and keep the car going straight.

Steadily slow down.

Take foot off of gas pedal and use brakes lightly.

Pull over off the road if possible. 


No-Zones are the areas around trucks and buses where cars disappear into...

blind spots


What does this sign let drivers know?

There's a Y-intersection ahead.


Narrow Mountain Road: 

When vehicles meet on a narrow and steep road, that is not wide enough for both of them, what car has the right of way? 

The vehicle going downhill or the vehicle going uphill? 

The vehicle going uphill has the right of way, so the car going downhill has to back up into a wider space or stop to yield to car going uphill. 


If stuck in snow, is it easier to get unstuck out of the snow with the wheels straight or turned to a side? 

Having the wheels straight makes it easier to get unstuck.

You’ll have a much easier time of getting unstuck in the snow this way, as there is significantly more stress put on your tires when they are at an angle.


What is the safest way to stop a vehicle with a jammed gas pedal?

Keep your eyes on the road.

Shift to neutral and pull off the road when safe to do so. 

Turn off engine. 
