What sign is a red octogan?
Stop Sign
What is the typical speed for residential streets?
Approximately how far do low beams shine?
160 feet
What does BAC stand for?
Blood Alcohol Concentration
Bicyclists stay on what side of the road?
The right side
What are orange signs most commonly associated with?
If residential streets are 25mph, what is 35mph?
City Streets
Approximately how far do high beams shine?
350 feet
Effects of drinking and driving?
Impaired vision and judgment
When an ambulance is approaching from behind you, what should you do?
Find a safe place to pull over to the side of the road
What are yellow signs most commonly associated with?
Typically on the freeway, trucks are given a different speed which is how many miles less than the other cars?
What lights should be used in fog?
Low beams because high beams will cause glare.
Can you refuse a drug test after getting pulled over?
Yes, however this can lead to immediate suspension of your drivers license and be used in court to imply guilt.
When should you refill your gas?
At a quarter tank left.
What sign is a red and white triangle
Yield sign
Are you required to follow the speed limit that a yellow sign says?
No! It's a suggested speed limit.
When approaching an oncoming car at night with your high beams on, within how many feet do you need to dim your lights?
500 feet
What is the legal limit for your BAC while driving?
What are ways to communicate/signal to other drivers?
Turn signals, hand signals, headlights, etc.
What are the four main categories of signs?
Regulatory, warning, guide and construction
If the road you're on is 25mph and you see a speed limit sign up ahead that says 35mph, when do you speed up? Before the sign or once you pass the sign?
Once you pass it.
When following a vehicle at night, how many feet away should you start using your low beams?
300 feet away
Is it legal to drive after taking prescribed medicine even if it has drugs that could affect your driving abilities?
No. Just because it's prescribed doesn't make it lawful to drive after use.
What is it called when a thin sheet of way gets between the road surface and the vehicle's tires, causing the vehicle to lose contact with the road?