This yellow sign with black lettering is a warning sign. On this sign are these three colors; red, yellow and green.
What is a traffic signal?
This sign shape is octagon and is red with white letters.
What is a stop sign?
Make sure that these signals and lights are operating properly before operating a vehicle.
What are turn signals, brake lights, tail lights and headlights?
The safety belt does not keep you securely in place in the event of a crash.
What is fiction?
Use your right turn signal when exiting one of these traffic circles.
What is a roundabout?
This yellow sign is a picture of an animal that has horns which is leaping through the air.
What is a Deer Crossing sign?
A yellow pennant.
What is a no passing sign?
When worn or bald these can increase your stopping distance.
What are tires?
If your vehicle gets hit from the side, your safety belt helps keep you from being thrown across the care into the crash point.
What is fact?
Always check your _______________ when making a turn or a lane change.
What is your blindspot?
A yellow sign with arrows arranged in circular fashion.
What is a roundabout?
A round, yellow sign with criss cross black markings.
What is a railroad crossing warning sign?
Make sure that these items are secure to avoid being hit by them in the event of a sudden stop or crash.
What are loose objects?
The force of a head on crash at 25 mph is not the same as pedaling a bicycle full speed into a brick wall.
What is fiction?
STKR means this.
What is Slower Traffic Keep Right?
This regulatory sign tells you the maximum speed required.
What is a speed limit?
These signs are blue with white letters or symbols.
What are service signs?
You should always check the position of these two things before you start to drive.
What are the seat and mirrors?
Many traffic deaths happen within 25 miles of home.
What is fact? (About twenty-percent of traffic deaths occur on roads posted at less than 45mph).
You should never pass on the _________ of the road.
What is shoulder?
What is slow moving vehicle?
These marker signs are designed to improve emergency responses to highway incidents.
What are Reference Markers?
Keep these clean because dirt on them can reduce the light and your visibility by up to 50%.
What are headlights, back up brake and taillights?
Your safety belt helps keep you from being knocked unconscious during a vehicle crash.
What is fact?
Right goes first, left runs yield to everyone, yield to pedestrians, emergency vehicles, Move Over Law, farm animals and funeral processions are all things that require you to follow the rules of this.
What is right of way?