Ch. 1-2
CH. 3-4
Ch. 5-6
Ch. 7-8 w/appendix
TM's, TC's and AR's

Brigade Commanders can delegate to who to select, train, test, and license noncommercial vehicle and equipment operators?

Subordinate commanders. Battalion commander or Company commanders if geographically separated from higher commands. 


True of False. The selection process for operators begins when the commander or authorized representative screens the individual’s current counseling/performance record, DA Form 348, and medical profiles.



The Phase I training program and examination will be managed at what level?

The battalion


What is chapter 7?

Mechanical or Ground Support Equipment


When GCSS-A is down, what form will you use to conduct maintenance?

DA 2404


Develop and publish guidance for interviewing and selecting driver candidates.

Company commanders or civilian branch chiefs


Interviews will be conducted by the commander or authorized representative in writing, by using a standardized format or the checklist in appendix __?

Appendix B


Hands-on evaluation is required for the Phase III (Training Validation/Performance Road Test), and will be administered at the ____ level or comparable civilian branch by an appointed license examiner.



What is chapter 8?

Night Vision Devices


When GCSS-A is up, what form will you use to conduct maintenance?

DA 5988-E


Who will wear installed restraint systems?

Equipment/vehicle operators


True or False. The commander or authorized representative will have their signature block located at the top of the interview checklist, and will include, full printed name, position, signature, and date the interview was conducted.

False. Located at the bottom of the interview checklist. 


Each license examiner will be? list 2 of 3

1. A reliable, responsible individual who possesses knowledge of test administration.

2. Licensed and qualified on any vehicle or equipment on which they will conduct driver testing.

3. Appointed, in writing, by the commander or civilian director.


Check rides must be conducted for motor vehicle operators who are certified to operate equipment with NVDs _______,  (USAR and ARNG: _ months) to maintain proficiency.

semiannually, 12 months


What are Basic Issue Items? (BII)

These essential items are required to place the vehicle in operation, operate it, perform routine maintenance, and conduct emergency repairs.


Who will Receive required training on alcohol and drug testing of DA Civilian drivers?

First line supervisor (Army or civilian), section leader, or squad leaders.


What is the DA form for a Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet?

DD 2977


Test materials, including booklets, answer sheets, scoring keys, and manuals required to administer motor vehicle driver selection tests will be secured according to that regulation?

AR 611 – 5.


During NVD qualification, the operator will receive instruction in academic subjects (see app I), and must pass a ?

written examination


What does TC 21-307 cover?



Who will ensure the authorized seating capacity of the vehicle is not exceeded?

The senior occupant in all Army vehicles.


Who maintains the National Drivers Register at a central driver records facility that contains information on drivers whose civilian licenses have been denied, suspended, or revoked?

The Department of Transportation (DOT)


The issuing official is the commanding officer or ______  authorized in writing by the commanding officer



Minimum requirements for NVD refresher training are?

1. Successfully completing a NVD driver performance check ride given by a NVD licensed supervisor (NCO) or NVD license instructor.

2. Demonstrating proficiency in training tasks identified in appendix I.


What TC covers NVD's?

TC 21-305-2


Detailed information for all related record numbers, forms, and reports are located in?



All training for vehicles and equipment which require licensing under this regulation will be documented on a DA Form 348, and updated where?

On the GCSS-Army Operator Qualification Record


This person is the final validation certifying that the license instructors conducted training to standard, and that the license examiner issued the necessary written test and performance road test to standard.

The qualifying official is the master driver.


Night vision device driver training is broken down into how many task?



There are ___ phases to NVD training.



DOD contractor employees assigned to operate Government-owned or Government-leased equipment in the performance of their contract will be?

in compliance with the licensing requirements of the federal, state, local, and applicable foreign nation motor vehicle laws and certified, by the contractor and at the contractor’s expense, as being fully qualified to operate the equipment which they are assigned.


The use of generic series, family, or below (Name 3 out of 5 listed in the example) is prohibited.

M113 Family, Generators 200 kilowatt and below, Bus 90 pass and below, Backhoe-all models, or pintle towed trailer


Standard Permits must be renewed within _ days following the signature authority conducting a change of command.



An example of a written examination for academic subjects is located where?

TC 21 – 305 – 2


what is a SAV?

Staff assistance visits are teaching and training opportunities that support staff inspections.


The minimum licensing requirements apply to Army Servicemembers while driving off the installation?

A valid OF 346 or DA Form 5984-E. (can be waived IAW ch. 2-2a(1)

A valid civilian driver's license issued by a State, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. possession.


The DA Form 348 will be reviewed annually for? List a minimum of 4.

Driver or operator awards. Expiration of permits. Accidents and moving traffic violations. Remedial, required, or refresher training. Reexamination. License suspension. Physical examinations (On MEDPROS)


Army Servicemembers, upon separation from the military service, may retain their OF 346/DA Form 5984 – E provided the words (________) are over stamped or otherwise legibly marked on the front and back of the form.



True or False:

The testing of one vehicle utilizing NVDs will qualify an individual for all other vehicles.



An operator will not drive more than __ hours in a duty period (including rest and meal breaks).



The minimum licensing requirements apply to Army Servicemembers while driving exclusively on the installation?

Are not required to have a civilian driver’s license (tactical vehicles operated on the installation only).

Must have a valid OF 346 or DA Form 5984 – E.


Who is re-sponsible to ensure risk assessments are conducted prior to training execution?

License instructors and license examiners


The vehicle or equipment is operated within a controlled driving route, (_______), or training area under the supervision of a licensed driver or operator.

no other vehicular traffic


NVG lesson plans, training calendar, written exam, eye charts, and paper transparencies can be found in what TC?

TC 21 – 305 – 2.


All Army personnel who are newly assigned to an Army installation or theater will receive a briefing on the ____________ they may encounter while serving at that location.

local driving hazards


Valid operator’s permits of active members of other U.S. military Services or Government agencies may be honored as a matter of ______ courtesy by garrison/senior commanders provided local military and civilian requirements have been met.



What are the three progressive phases of operator licensing?

Initial operator training, Equipment Training, Training Validation/Road Test


True of False. The expiration date of the incidental permit will be the anticipated date of the completion of the duty for which it was issued and will not exceed 3 months.

False. 6 months


Equipment operator testing and licensing procedures for non-self-propelled equipment will conform to the requirements contained in ?

TB 600 – 1 and TB 600 – 2.


True or False: Passengers may be transported without fixed seating for short distances on the installation if each passenger remains seated and wholly within the body of the vehicle.

True. AR 385-10 CH. 11-5


The CDL program was established by the?

Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, Section 31301, Title 49 United States Code (49 USC 31301)


What Units need to be conducted during phase I training?

Units A-L


Special operations within the confines of the port facility, Contract operators must hold a ____ and ___ in accordance with 49 CFR 391.41 through 49 CFR 391.49 before they receive training on any Government-owned equipment.

valid medical certificate and State driver’s license


For mechanical or ground support equipment Phase III training validation/performance testing requires prospective operators to satisfactorily demonstrate their proficiency in conducting a PMCS and the ________ and employment of each piece of equipment for which they are to be licensed.

safe operation


What is T-code ZOPLR used for?

Display and Print Operator Permit Ledger


What is a Class A combination vehicle?

Any combination of vehicles with a gross combination weight rating of 26,001 or more pounds provided the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed exceeds 10,000 pounds.


Remedial training will be provided by who?

by supervisors or license instructors


Renewals on licenses that lack corresponding sustainment training require ____ in order to validate operator proficiency.

performance testing


Phase III tasks include;

(1) Perform preoperational NVD system checks.

(2) Check for proper wear and fitting.

(3) Focus the device.

(4) ________________

(5) Refocus the NVD immediately prior to Phase IV

(4) Perform vehicle PMCS while wearing the NVD


Who's responsibility is to ensure that vehicle occupants use occupant restraint devices at all times?

senior occupant


True of False. DA civilian drivers are not required to possess a CDL when operating Class A – C Government-owned or Gov-ernment-leased motor vehicles exclusively within a contiguous Federal facility boundary where public access is con-trolled or restricted, however must be trained and receive a certificate according to this regulation and possess a valid OF 346 or DA Form 5984 – E.

False. Trained and receive a license.


What is considered an improved or unimproved roadway, or offroad driving conditions where tactical wheeled and tracked vehicles may operate over a variety of complex and challenging terrains to increase operator proficiency?

 A driver training facility 


Renewals may be denied on the basis of accident records, traffic violations, and recommendations of medical officers or supervisors. Denial of renewals for DA Civilians should occur only after consultation with _____ and _______.

CPAC and the legal office


Phase V tasks include? name all 3

(1) Perform post-operation vehicle PMCS while wearing the NVD.

(2) Perform post-operation NVD system checks.

(3) Conduct after-action report.


All newly assigned Soldiers less than 26 years of age will receive ___________ that reinforces the initial traffic safety training course.

intermediate traffic safety training course IIIA


Army Servicemember waiver criteria. For the waiver to apply, Army Servicemembers must have?


A valid DA Form 348 kept on file at unit.

(2) A valid civilian driver’s license issued by a State, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. possession (Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, or Guam) in their possession.

(3) DOD identification card (also known as a CAC).

(4) A valid dispatch


Commands are encouraged to use creative tools to ensure operator proficiency and to promote best driving practices. Several of these tools are? List all 3

1. Truck or recovery rodeos to reward and recognize operator and crew proficiency. 2. Use of egress trainers, reconfigurable vehicle tactical trainer, common driver trainer, virtual battle space III or other technologies to promote and increase operator and crew proficiency. 3. Targeted training to focus on high-risk maneuvers is encouraged when possible, such as water fording, winter driving, low visibility driving, or self-recovery procedures.


The OF 346 will be stamped or marked legibly on the front with the words, ____, ____, ____, or ____ to denote the type of permit issued.



As a minimum, NVD academics will cover the following topics. List at least 3 

1. An introduction to NVDs (specify type or model). 2.Awareness of the device’s diminished effectiveness in rain, fog, snow, or smoke, and the debilitating effects of any bright light (such as vehicle headlights or flares). 3. Depth perception, visual acuity, and field of vision. 4. Illumination requirements. 5. Speed limitations. 6. Night vision scanning techniques. 7. Emergency procedures while driving with NVDs. 8. Driver or assistant driver responsibilities; crew coordination. 9. Self-imposed stresses (for example, smoking, alcohol, or driver or crew fatigue). 10. Care and security of the NVD. TC 21–305–20, TC 21–306, TC 21–305–2, and TM 11–5855–311–12&P–2 may be used to supplement NVD qualification and refresher training.


Display Qualification Profile is what T-code?



ASCCs may authorize the development of internal training programs and _____ ____ that address language barriers with foreign national drivers providing the licensing requirements within this regulation are accomplished.

testing procedures


A driver applicant with any medical (_____,_____,_____) restrictions that would limit their ability to operate vehicles or equipment will report these restrictions to their commander or supervisor as soon as they are known.

pathological, psychological, or physiological


What does SDDC stand for when dealing with special operations within the confines of the port facility?

Surface Deployment and Distribution Command


To be qualified and licensed on NVDs, motor vehicle operators must? list all 3

1. Be licensed and current on the vehicle in which they will receive NVD training.

2. Complete the academic and driving requirements outlined in paragraph 8–5a and 8–5b.

3. Successfully complete an NVD driver performance test given by an NVD license instructor.


The five principles of Army inspections support the five ______  of an inspection.

basic elements
