What are the school colours?
Red & blue
What movie features a reindeer with a red nose?
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
All I want for Christmas is _____.
Joyeux Noël.
What holiday involves decorating a tree?
Who is the music teacher?
Mrs. Bannerman
What is the name of the main character in Elf?
Want a plane that loops the loop, me, I want a ____ - ____.
How many candles are in the menorah?
In what country is it a tradition to hide a pickle in your Christmas tree?
How many student council committees are there?
What is the name of the Grinch's pet?
You're as cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an ___, Mr. Grinch.
What is the 6th reindeer's name?
In Japan, what fast food restaurant does their traditional Christmas dinner come from?
What were the original plans for Dr.J?
A prison.
Who played Kevin McCallister in Home Alone?
Macaulay Culkin
Santa baby a '54 convertible too, ____ ____.
Light blue.
What were the original colour(s) Santa was associated with?
Green, purple, or blue.
In this country, St. Nicholas has an evil counterpart called Krampus.
What is Roy's species?
What was wrapped around the base of the tree to make it grow in A Charlie Brown Christmas?
Linus' blanket.
In the meadow we can build a snowman, then pretend that he is ____.
Parson Brown.
What are one of the seven principles of African culture and community that are represented by one the seven candles during Kwanzaa?
Unity (umoja), self determination (kujichagulia), cooperative economics (ujamma), creativity (kuumba), collective work & responsibility (ujima), purpose (nia), or faith (imani).
In what country is it a tradition to hang cobwebs from their Christmas trees.