Should the PIC always obey the rules?
Yes, unless in emergency situations.
Your drone breaks the windshield of your neighbor's sportscar, and you can tell the repair cost will be very expensive. However, no one was hurt in the crash. Should you report this to the FAA?
Yes, since the damages will likely be over 500$.
What must you have if you plan to fly after sunset?
A helicopter is approaching your drone. What should you do?
Move the drone away as fast as is safe, and then alert the airport, FAA, and other involved parties of the incident.
What is a good way to scan the sky for small obstacles?
The 10 degree scan, involving dividing the sky into 10 degree sections and moving your vision from one to the next.
When should the crew designate the PIC of the unmanned vehicle?
Before the flight.
A drone causes an accident that ends up costing 750 dollars in damages. When must this be reported to the FAA?
Within 10 days.
What should the crew check during an after flight maintenance procedure? List at least 4 items.
Rotor, battery health and charge, frame, connection and antenna, landing gear/skids, camera and mount.
What is something you can do before a flight to increase the chance that you find your drone if it crashes?
Put reflective tape on the drone, so it is visible from farther away.
A pilot experiencing the effects of hyperventilation should be able to restore the proper carbon dioxide level in the body by:
Breathing slowly or into a bag.
What does the Part107 test call the safety methodologies that pilots must use to avoid accidents?
Risk Management
What should the drone crew include when reporting an accident? List at least 3 pieces of information.
- The drone's registration
- The name of the drone's owner and pilot
- The date and time of the incident
- The location of the accident and takeoff, as well as the intended route
In what situations should a drone pilot get permission to fly? Give at least 2 answers.
- When in any airspace other than class G
- When near an airport or close to private property
- When intending to fly above 500 feet
Your drone has lost connection to the controller and is flying away. What should you do in this situation? List at least 2 actions.
- Try to reconnect to the drone
- Search the drone's last known location
- If you do reconnect, use the drone's camera to find it
How can a pilot recognize fatigue?
If they or another pilot feel that they are in an impaired state. This may include slow thinking and slow reaction time.
What crew members does an autonomous operation need to run safely?
Only a Remote PIC.
A drone breaks a window that likely cost more than 500 dollars, but you don't know for sure. Should you report the accident immediately?
No, as the FAA gives you time to assess the situation. Talk to the people involved with the accident before notifying the FAA.
If the manufacturer of your drone does not provide maintenance procedures, what should you do?
You should learn the basic workings of your drone and create a scheduled maintenance protocol.
Your drone's battery has caught fire. What should you do? List 3 to 4 actions.
- Land the drone if flying, in an area with no or wet grass if possible.
- Assess the state of the drone, and confirm that the battery is the burning part.
- Smother the drone with dirt or sand.
- Put out any secondary fires with a fire extinguisher.
What is the maximum ground speed for a small UAS?
87 Knots.
What features does risk management require to reduce risk? List 3.
Situational Awareness, Problem Recognition, and Good Judgement.
A drone tears a hole in a cheap above ground pool. While the pool is draining, someone gets pulled under the water by the current. They are fine, but frightened, and have some small cuts. Should this accident be reported to the FAA? The pool costed 491$.
No, because the pool was under 500$ and all injuries were insignificant.
What minimum radio equipment is required while flying through class C airspace? List all 3 items.
Two Way Communications equipment, a 4096-code transponder, and an encoding altimeter.
Your drone hits a gust of wind, and is now flying away. You know that in the direction the drone is flying, are powerlines and cars. When it hits a powerline, it could take out power for a whole block, and damage cars. You could push the drone away, but this would take the drone very close to a group of people. Which should you do? Let the drone hit the powerline, or move the drone away, taking the chance that it hits a person?
You should keep the drone on course. People are always more important than property, even when this much property could be damaged.
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Not what you said it was