A type of drugs used to stimulate the nervous system.
A group of psychoactive drugs often abused by teens and young adults at concerts, parties and nightclubs; include GBH, Rohypnol, ketamine and Ecstasy.
club drugs
Able to be eaten; a term used for foods such as candy or cookies that contain marijuana or THC.
A highly addictive drug processed from morphine, a natural substance extracted from certain poppy plants.
A derivative of amphetamine that has a stronger stimulating action.
Any of a group of synthetic hormones sometimes taken by athletes in training to temporarily increase the size of their muscles.
anabolic steroids
A drug that slows down the central nervous system; prescription versions may be used to treat anxiety or sleeplessness.
A colorless and odorless club drug that causes drowsiness, dizziness and visual disturbances, used as a date rape drug; at higher doses it can cause seizures and unconsciousness.
A drug that comes from the leaves and flowering tops of the plant Cannabis sativa, with the active ingredient THC, a chemical that acts on parts of the brain that influence feelings, thoughts, memory, concentration, sense of time and movement.
Highly addictive drugs that are prescribed to relieve pain.
After a company tests a new medication, it must be approved by this Administration.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
Neurotransmitter that creates feelings of security and happiness.
A powerful chemical and toxic poison found in the tobacco plant, especially in the leaves; the chief addictive drug in tobacco.
A general anesthetic that is used illicitly usually by being inhaled in powdered form especially for the dreamlike or hallucinogenic state it produces.
A drug that alters users’ perceptions and causes changes in the way a person sees, hears or experiences touch.
The plant that marijuana comes from.
A chemical substance, natural or human made, that changes body functions in some way.
Drugs used to temporarily enhance mental or athletic abilities. The main examples are anabolic steroids, which are synthetic versions of the hormone testosterone, and prescription drugs that are misused as study aids. Use is prohibited in competitive sports.
performance enhancing drugs
Phencyclidine, an anesthetic used illegally as a hallucinogen; a white crystal-like powder, tablet or capsule that can be swallowed, smoked, sniffed or injected; it can cause confusion and violent behavior.
Refers to legal drugs used for self-medication that can be bought without a prescription.
over the counter
A compound found in marijuana (cannabis) that has therapeutic or medicinal properties.
CBD (cannabidiol)
A club drug that is a stimulant and hallucinogen.
This drug is made with synthesized lysergic acid
Substances that give off fumes that act on the brain. They’re breathed in to cause changes in perception or mental function. Most are household products.
A sedative that can be used as a date-rape drug.