Neurotrasmitter that controls the "reward system" in the brain
What is dopamine?
The act of consuming 5 or more alcohol drinks on one occasion.
What is binge drinking>
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can result in this.
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
What kind of substance speeds up your central nervous system?
More people abuse this drug in comparison to heroin, ecstasy, and cocaine combined.
What are prescription drugs?
This demographic metabolizes alcohol less effectively than their counterparts.
What is women?
Neurotransmitter that controls your mood and is responsible for happiness. It helps regulate when you sleep and wake, helps you think, maintains your mood, and controls your sexual desire.
What is serotonin?
What are the two kinds of two dependencies that addiction creates?
What are physical and psychological?
What does MADD/SADD stand for?
Who are Mothers/Students Against Drunk Driving
What kind of substance slows your central nervous system?
What are depressants?
What is the leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds?
What are drunk driving accidents?