12 Steps
Drugs and the Brain
Relapse Prevention

 1st Step in the 12 step program 

We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction; and that our lives had become unmanageable 


Dopamine is neurotransmitter that is responsible for 

motivation, plays a part in reward systems, memory, bonding, feel good chemical, 

Just 1 to get the points 


HALT means 

Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired 

(full answer for points)


Long term side effects include liver damage, kidney failure, severs constipation, urinary retention, decreased testosterone in men, tolerance, Osteoporosis, and immune sepression



When you compare the intensity of your reaction to the intensity of the problem 

Size the problem 


Size the reaction


The one requirement for a 12 step program

You must have a desire to stop using


 Drugs interfere with in your brain with the way 

neurons send, receive, and process signals via neurotransmitters.


3 phases of relapse 

1. Emotional 

2. Mental 

3. Physical 



The 3 A's of taking Responsibility of Offensive Behaviors

1. Accept

2. Acknowledge

3. Apologize


Most commonly used addictive drug in US



A Higher Power is 

a deity or another powerful but unknowable force, conceptualized variously as the Supreme Being, nature, the universe, invisible energy, etc., to which appeals or prayers may be directed, or in the context of which explanations of life and circumstances may be imagined: 


As teens use drugs, they generally lose abilities in several critical areas of brain development, including  

(9 things total - 3 to get points 

  • The ability to control their impulses
  • The ability to experience pleasure and reward
  • Sensory perception
  • Emotional development
  • Decision-making skills
  • The ability to plan or think ahead
  • The ability to complete tasks
  • Memory
  • Learning new things

3 correct answers 


Warning signs of Relapse 

  • Compulsive or Risky Behavior
  • Destructive Thoughts
  • Neglecting Coping Skills
  • Refusal to Engage in or Withdrawal from Healthy Habits
  • Return to Unhealthy Behaviors and Environments (People, Places & Things)
  • Dishonesty or Deception
  • Mood Swings
  • Romanticizing Drug or Alcohol Use
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Isolation/Withdrawal from Social or Group Activities

(3 for points)


Common drugs in this classification of drugs include LSD, Psilocybin Peyote (mescaline), DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine), 251-NBOMe 



Radical Acceptance is......

1. All the way, complete and total

2. Accepting in your mind, your heart, and your body

3. It's wen you stop fighting reality, stop throwing tantrums tantrums because reality is not the way you want it, and let go of bitterness 



  A member of N.A. or A.A. who helps another member of the fellowship by sharing their experience, strength and hope in recovery and serves as guide through the Twelve Steps.



The permanent results of repeated drug use can be 

  • Lower IQ
  • Permanent loss of memory
  • Lower speed of processing information
  • Loss of coordination
  • Slower reaction time
  • High risk of dependency and addiction
  • Additional mental health disorders

A _______ represents a temporary slip or return to a previous behavior that one is trying to control or quit (usually a onetime occurrence), whereas a _______ represents a full-blown return to a pattern of behavior that one has been trying to moderate or quit altogether

Lapse; Relapse 


the 5 drug classes are 

narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and anabolic steroids. 



13 community expectations:

1. We begin to recover from our alcohol and drug problems. 

2. We avoid gossiping, keeping secrets, name-calling and threats to other people

3.We avoid striking and rough-housing with others

4. We avoid sexual relationships and activity. 

5. We avoid any gang related dress, talk, or actions

6. We avoid drug glorification and the glorification of criminal activity.

7. We avoid foul language

8. We avoid gambling 

9. We avoid lending our clothing or personal belongings to other people

10. We are on time for all activities and fully participate in them 

11. We show respect for ourselves and our property

12. We show respect for other people and their property 

13. We show respect for the center and keep it neat and clean 



______ my thoughts will be on my recovery, living and enjoying life without the use of drugs.

 _______ I will have faith in someone in NA who believes in me and wants to help me in my recovery. _______ I will have a program. I will try to follow it to the best of my ability.

_______, through NA, I will try to get a better perspective on my life. 

_______I will be unafraid, my thoughts will be on my new associations, people who are not using and who have found a new way of life. So long as I follow that way, I have nothing to fear.

All blanks are the same word/words

Just for Today 


Brain alterations from use of _____

– Poor regulation of one’s behaviors
– Impaired emotional processes
– Memory impairment
– Diminished flexibility regarding tasks
– Flawed reasoning skills
– Poor problem-solving skills
– Decreased ability to plan
– Reduced decision-making skills
– Decreased ability to imagine future events and interactions



The most common causes of relapse 

  • Boredom
  • Stress
  • Money problems
  • Relationship issues
  • Certain sights and smells
  • Certain people or places
  • Falling into old habits
  • Anger



_________ act on the central nervous system by slowing down its functioning. _______ was/were historically popular for the treatment of psychiatric and sleep disorders, and they are still used for anesthesia and treatment of a number of conditions such as epilepsy and headaches.  ________  is/are highly addictive, and they also present a very high overdose risk as they cause many body systems to shut down.  



When experiencing a craving/trigger you should....

Basically any coping skill, refusal skill, distraction, and any attempt to gain support. 

ex. Schedule to see therapist, write in journal, call a friend, go for a run, engage in a sport, deep breathing, meditation etc.. 
