Code of Ethics
Principles 1-2
Principles 3-4
Principles 5-7
Principles 8-9
The NAADAC Decision Making Model and White's Decision Making Model.
What are two models to recognize and resolve ethical dilemmas pertaining to addiction counseling?
Imposing personal values on a client violates this principle.
What is non-discrimination (principle 1)?
Not offering compensation that is so great or attractive as to distort a potential participant's ability to make free decisions about their participation in the project.
What is Principle 3 Patient Relationship - Research
Principle 5 is founded on the principle ethics of obedience, beneficence and ______ .
What is "Justice."
Providing any other type of counseling while employed as a CDP violates this part of Principle 9: Duty of Care.
What is practicing outside of scope?
Identify and define the problem.
What is the first step in NAADAC's ethical decision making model?
A CDP who breaches confidentiality by calling the police when a client discloses a suicide plan and intent to act upon it is acting under this principle.
What is Principle 2 Client Welfare? The client is posing clear and imminent danger to him or herself
Professionals must provide information regarding the type of services they will deliver, their qualifications to do so, the expected duration of treatment and where it will be held, the expectations the treatment professional has for the client and the consequences of the failure to meet expectations, and all costs that will be incurred.
What is Principle 3 Patient relationship? "The professional must respect and cultivate the right of all human beings to make decisions that they consider in their own best interest, except where such decisions would pose a clear and present threat to their own safety or to the safety of others."
There are ________ that are founded in human nature and are common to all human beings, such as the right to self-determination and the right to maintain physical integrity and live free from fear of harm.
What is "Natural Rights."
Continuous Quality Assurance
What is a systematic and objective method of monitoring the quality of services that allows a facility to take a proactive stance on problem prevention, identification, resolution, program planning, and staff development.
Telling the truth and keeping promises is the core of this principle of ethics.
What is fidelity?
Non-discrimination is founded on what principle ethic.
What is Justice (Principle 1)?
Under what area does it cover the rights of others work and where and how to give credit to the authors and co-collaborators?
What is "Intellectual Property."
There are _______ that are founded in a social contract and are uniques to a specific culture or society.
What is "Consensual Rights."
Following this principle includes protecting individuals through mandatory reporting.
What is Principle 8: Preventing Harm?
The safety, mental health, emotional stability, and wellbeing of patients.
What is the main concern of an addiction professional?
To be an ethically sensitive addiction professional one must possess this?
What is an awareness of their limits in terms of knowledge and skills?
Let imagine that you have business cards with one or more of your credentials printed on them and you have not maintained one of the credential or license's. In what section does this subject appear in Principle #4?
What is "Accurate Representation."
Accepting a gift from a current or former client goes against this ethical principle.
What is Principle 7: Dual Relationships
Pre-employment, Post-Accident, Reasonable Cause, Random, and Return-to-duty.
What are the five possible criteria that must be met to test a safety-sensitive transportation worker for psychoactive chemical first? (see pg. 249)
What questions of ethical practice do principle ethics and virtue ethics answer?
What are "what should I do" and "who should I be" respectively?
Federal guidelines for informed consents are required they be given in writing and contain these ten pieces of information. The name of the client, the name of the program or individual making the disclosure, specific information being disclosed, name of the program receiving the disclosure, purpose of the disclosure, when the info will be released, date of expiration within 90 days, statement of revocation, signature of the client, and ____________.
What is date of signature (principle 2)?
What is the other name for employee assistance programs (EAP)?
What is "Peer Assistance Program."
How long is a client a client?
Terminating a counseling relationship when it is reasonably clear that the client is not benefiting from the relationship.
What is a way to follow Principle 8 and prevent harm to a client?