CNS drugs
Adrenergic Agonists/Blockers
Skin, eyes and ears!!!

This is the oldest and most widely used tricyclic antidepressant. It was initially used to treat depression but now is used for insomnia and neuropathic pain. What are adverse affects and what class is this med? 

What is amitriptyline. Anticholinergic/potent. Dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, urinary retention and dysrhythmias. 


This anticholinergic drug is used to treat Parkinson's disease. It is also effective if used for the extrapyramidal symptoms associated with antipsychotic meds. 

What is benztropine mesylate


This is a prototype drug for the treatment of migraines. It is a selective serotonin receptor agonist that words within 2 hours for moderate to severe migraines. 

What is sumatriptan


Acts on beta and alpha receptors nonselectively. It treats anaphylaxis, croup, cardiac arrest, bronchospasm

What is epinephrine


Used as adjunct therapy to reduce intraocular pressure. Used when single medical therapy has not worked. 

What is apraclonidine


This second generation mood stabilizer is an SNRI. It is used for depression, diabetic peripheral neuropathy pain, and generalized anxiety disorder. 

What is duloxetine


This is a synthetic cholinergic drug used to treat postop or postpartum urinary retention and neurogenic agony. What are 2 nursing considerations?

What is bethanechol. Must have functioning urinary sphincter or could cause urinary reflux. DO NOT give IV or IM; could cause cholinergic overstimulation up to cardiac arrest. Contraindiated for ppl with Parkinson's, bradycardia, GI/GU dysfunction/diminished integrity, spastic GI, vasomotor instability, hyperthyroidism


This benzodiazepine acts at the level of GABA receptors to help with anxiety, preoperative sedation and status epilepticus. 

What is lorazepam


Blocks circulating adrenergics (epi, norepi) by antagonizing alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptors. Causes peripheral vasodilation by relaxing vascular smooth muscle and alpha blockage. 

What is phentolamine


Treat respiratory tract infections caused by anaerobes, staph, strep, acne vulgaris, vaginal infections caused by Gardnerella or Haemophilus. 

What is clindamycin


This first generation (conventional) antipsychotic can cause extrapyramidal symptoms.  It used to treat schizophrenia, Tourette's syndrome, severe behavioral problems and hyperactivity

What is haloperidol


This anticholinergic is used to treat symptomatic bradycardia and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It can also be used as an antidote for acetylcholinesterase inhibitor toxicity or poisoning. What is a major contraindication? 

What is atropine. What is angle-closure glaucoma


This is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor that treat ADHD. You should monitor closely for changes in mood, behavior and suicidal thinking. 

What is atomoxetine


Used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It blocks the alpha 1 adrenergic receptors and inhibits smooth muscle contraction. 

What is tamusulosin


Selectively blocks Alpha1 and Beta1 receptros in vasular smooth muscle and B1 in the heart. Used for HTN, prophylaxis after MI, migraine prevention. This may mask what symptom of DM? 

What is timolol. Hypoglycemia. 


This second-generation antipsychotic treats schizophrenia, mania, and irritability associated with autism. 

What is risperidone


This drug is used to treat myasthenia gravis by improving muscle strength. It also can reverse the effects of neuromuscular blockade. What are 2 teaching points?

What is pyridostigmine. Overdose may obscure myasthenia crisis due to symptom of both is muscle weakness. Do not miss doses,take with water or food to prevent GI distress


This medication treats chronic spasticity associated with cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. It can also be used to prevent OR treat malignant hyperthermia crisis.

What is dantrolene


Class 3 antiarrythmic used to treat life-threatening ventricular arrythmias. Need to follow QT inteval before and during therapy. 

What is sotalol


Topical med used to treat mild to moderate atopic dermatitis as a second line therapy. 

What is pimecrolimus


This medication is considered an atypical antidepressant. It is also used to help with smoking cessation. 

What is bupropion


This NMDA receptor antagonist treats moderate to severe Alzheimer's. It works by preventing brain cell death and slows the progression of the disease. What are 2 nursing considerations.

What is memantine. Use cautiously in renal or liver disease. Take as prescribed. Avoid fruits/veggies that can make urine more alkaline (alters clearance and increase adverse rxns!). Watch for suicidal thoughts. 


This anticonvulsant/epileptic treats partial seizures. It stabilizes neuronal members and hyperactivity. You should monitor CBC for signs of agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, and other blood dyscrasias as well as Stevens-Johnson syndrome. 

What is zonisamide


Used to correct hypotension that is unresponsive to fluid volume replacement. Works on Stimulates D, 1 & D2 at low doses and at higher doses A1, A2, B1 receptors.  

What is dopamine


This antibiotic bind inhibits RNA protein synthesis causing them to die. It is used in the ointment form to treat/prevent newborn conjunctivitis  

What is gentamicin
