What is the addictive drug in tobacco, JUUL and other vape devices?
Answer: Nicotine
What are Opioids?
Opioids are a type of drug.
They are sometimes prescribed to relieve pain.
What is Addiction?
Addiction is when a person can’t stop using a drug, even when the drug use causes serious problems. You can’t know who will become addicted and who won’t.
TRUE or FALSE: Alcohol is a stimulant or “upper.”
Many people think alcohol is a stimulant because 1 or 2 drinks can cause someone to laugh and talk louder. But alcohol is actually a depressant. It slows down the part of the brain that controls a person’s judgment, thinking and speech.
What is dopamine?
Dopamine acts on areas of the brain to give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation.
How does smoking cigarettes affect the way the body looks?
Tobacco smoke makes the eyes sore and red.
Tobacco also stains a person’s teeth, nails, fingers and hands.
Long-term tobacco smoking causes wrinkles on the face.
Explain the difference between OVER THE COUNTER medicine vs. PRESCRIPTION medicine.
Over-the-counter drugs are medicines you can buy at a store without permission from a doctor.
• Prescription drugs are medicines that you need written permission from a doctor or other licensed health care provider to take. The doctor’s permission is called a prescription. These drugs must be given out by a pharmacist.
What are some situations in which a person might feel pressure to vape or use other tobacco products, alcohol or other drugs? (give 2!)
-friends are doing it
-family is doing it
-friends are telling them to just try it
-they THINK others their age are doing it
It’s important to know how to say NO to these pressure lines. Sometimes saying NO can be hard, especially when the person who’s pressuring you is a friend or someone you look up to.
How can Experimenting with alcohol can be dangerous to teens?
Negative consequences can happen even the first time a young person tries alcohol.
These can include being in a car crash, violence and acute alcohol poisoning. When teens try drinking they often don’t know how alcohol will affect them and are unprepared for the negative effects.
What is a perceived norm?
A perceived norm is a belief about how others behave or what they expect of you.
Why is it dangerous to experiment with vaping or other tobacco products?
Using nicotine harms a person’s health right away.
Teens’ brains are still growing, so nicotine from tobacco products can cause more damage.
Young people often get addicted faster than adults.
They have a harder time quitting. Some serious life-threatening lung problems have been linked to vaping.
What are the 3 rules to follow when taking over-the-counter or prescription medicines?
Over-the-counter and prescription medicines need to be taken by the right person, at the right time and in the right amount.
Why is it dangerous to experiment with any kind of drug? GIVE 2 REASONS!
People can’t tell how they’ll react to a drug before they use it.
A drug can hurt the body or cause negative consequences even the first time a person uses it.
The biggest problem with experimenting with any drug is that it can lead to addiction. Addiction is when a person can’t stop using a drug, even when the drug use causes serious problems. You can’t know who will become addicted and who won’t. Many risk factors can influence addiction. These include family history, whether peers use, and at what age a person begins to use. This is why experimentation is so dangerous.
How can Alcohol change how the brain works?
Drinking alcohol can make people become clumsy and make poor choices. It can cause slower reflexes, blurred vision, memory lapses and even blackouts. The use of alcohol by teens is linked with a decreased ability to learn.
What are some ways that tobacco companies "target the youth" or younger people? (give 2)
-social media
-using younger, attractive models
-making it look cool
-creating devices that look sleek
-creating different flavor options
What causes the most deaths in the United States?
In fact, in the United States, tobacco use causes more deaths than motor vehicle crashes, suicide, homicide, alcohol, illegal drugs and HIV/AIDS combined. Smoking tobacco is responsible for 480,000 deaths each year, or 1 out of every 5 deaths. We don’t yet know all of the long-term negative effects of vaping, but it has been linked to serious lung disease and even death in some cases.
Why are opioids so addictive?
Opioids bind to opioid receptors, which are found throughout the body. These opioid receptors then block pain signals and trigger the release of dopamine, a hormone associated with pleasure.
Because they provide pain relief and can induce feelings of pleasure, opioids can give you a pleasant sensation. But this sensation is temporary.
After an opioid dose wears off, you might find yourself wanting more so that you can feel that way again.
What is a tolerance? AND how is it dangerous?
To need more of something. Needing more of the drug to feel the same effects can lead to overdose.
What can happen when teens drink alcohol?
Because alcohol lowers inhibitions and impairs judgment, it can lead people to take risks they wouldn’t take if they were sober.
Teens who use alcohol are more likely to take dares that can lead to serious injuries, and give in to peer pressure in dangerous situations.
What is a withdrawal? How can it affect a person?
Stopping using a drug, and your body craves it.
can cause:
Sweating and/or chills.
Stomach and digestion problems (e.g.,abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)
Loss of appetite.
Problems sleeping, including insomnia and/or fatigue.
Rapid heart rate and palpitations.
Mood changes or mood swings.
Feeling unsettled or unstable.
Intense fear disproportionate to societal norms.
Intense feelings of sadness.
What is in the “smoke” from a JUUL or other vape device?
Many people incorrectly believe vaping devices produce water vapor, when in fact they contain aerosols with particles that are inhaled into the lungs and also sent out into the environment.
Aerosols produced by the chemicals in vaping juice enter the users lungs unfiltered and leave chemical residue behind.
Over time, opioids can ____________ how the brain works.
What are the 5 stages of addiction?
1-First Use is when the person tries a drug for the first time. People may experiment with tobacco, alcohol or other drugs out of curiosity, to fit in because friends use, to rebel or to get high. The drug changes how the person feels.
2-Continued Use is when the person keeps using the drug to feel a certain way. But after the high is over, the brain doesn’t go back to normal right away. Brain changes from repeated drug use can last from several days to many weeks or months
3-Tolerance develops next. When a person develops tolerance it takes more of the drug to get high. This is because, over time, the brain adjusts to the drug, so it takes more of the drug to cause the same effects. Tolerance is a warning sign of addiction.
4-Dependence occurs when the brain gets so used to the drug that it can’t work without it. The person needs the drug to feel “normal.” When the person stops using the drug, they get sick and go through withdrawal. The withdrawal symptoms go away when the person uses again. This is a sign of addiction.
5- Addiction is when the person can’t stop using the drug, even when the drug use causes serious problems. Someone who is addicted will do just about anything to get the drug. The person may suffer negative health effects, spend all of their money on the drug, or lose friends and family because of the drug use. But they refuse to admit that the drug is the cause of these problems. Denial is a sign of addiction.
Explain what a perceived norm about alcohol would be AND how it could affect a teens decision about using alcohol.
perceived norm: most teens drink
-this may cause you to try alcohol, when in reality most teens do not drink alcohol.
Explain to me 3 health effects that could go along with vaping or smoking!
-lung cancer
-mouth cancer
-lip cancer
-lung disease
-heart attack