What is a drug?
A drug is any substance which, when absorbed into the body, alters the body's function either physically and/or psychologically. Drugs can be legal (alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine) or illegal (marijuana, heroin, cocaine)
What is drinking to much and give a number?
Drinking to much is drinking more than 4 drinks in a 2 hour period for women and 5 drinks in a 2 hour period for men.
Is smoking cigarettes bad for you? Yes or no?
True or False: Marijuana is an addictive drug (something that is hard to quit.
True. People who smoke marijuana daily and stop can experience physical withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, loss of appetite, and psychological symptoms such as agitation and irritability.
Name 3 places that you may see positive messages about alcohol or other drugs.
TV/movies, social media, billboards, music, trucks, posters on stores
What are some of the reasons why young people use drugs and alcohol?
Boredom, desire to look cool, peer pressure, stress, to self medicate, availability, curiosity, to escape, rebellion, friends are using, and social media.
What is alcohol poisoning?
A consequence of drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period. Can affect breathing, heart rate, body temp control, and could lead to coma and death.
Is Vape pens addictive (make it hard for you to stop)?
Yes, the amount of nicotine in a JUUL pod is equivalent to a pack and a half of cigarettes. Most e-juices contain nicotine, even the ones that claim they do not, traces of nicotine have been found.
Name two ways that Marijuana makes it hard to driving.
Reflexes and motor skills, sense of time and distance/perception, eye movements, sleepiness, slow reaction
What are ways to avoid alcohol and drug use?
A. Eating dinner with your family
B. using drugs
C. Genetics
D. a super hero saves you
A. Eating dinner with your family
This builds a connected bond with your family.
What are some health and social risks associated with drug use and abuse? (what can it do to your health and friendships?
Problems in relationships with family and friends, school failure, loss of interest in healthy activities, impaired memory, mental health issues, risk of overdose and death, and toxic reaction with other medications.
Is Substance Use Disorder (Disease)? YES/NO
Yes-Inability to control or stop drinking once started, physical cravings to drink, and dependence on alcohol. Can lead to major consequences with relationships, problems in the workplace, legal issues, and major health issues.
A pack of cigarettes cost how much?
A. $8.99
B. $3.50
C. $12.00
D. $14.55
C. $12.00
Is marijuana today different than how it was 20 years ago? YES/NO --How?-
YES-Marijuana today is more potent and stronger than several decades ago.
Does seeing alcohol on TV contribute to drug use. Yes/NO
They portray alcohol as the key to having fun
Show no negative consequences of alcohol use
Make it look like everyone drinks
Do using drugs permanently affect the brain? Why or why not?
The brain is not developed until 25. The earlier a youth begins drinking alcohol or using drugs, the greater the risk of changing the way the brain develops.
Does alcohol abuse affect your health? Yes/No--HOW?
The effects can include cardiovascular disease, cancer of the throat and liver, anxiety, depression, dementia, and liver disease.
Is chewing tobacco safe to use? Why or why not?
No, it can cause mouth cancer, gum disease, and heart disease. Nicotine found in chewing tobacco is addictive.
What are the side effects (what happens to you) of marijuana use?
The effects can include red eyes, drowsiness, impaired motor skills, altered perceptions, poor coordination, and vision impairment
Which of the following is not a good way to prevent a friend from driving drunk?
A. Encourage them to stop
B. Give them coffee
C. Call a parent
D. Tell a teacher
B. Give them coffee
How old must you be to drink legally? is this a law
What are two dangers of hosting a party where kids are drinking?
Legal, health, financial consequences.
What are some long term effects of smoking?
The effects can include lung, mouth and throat cancer, heart disease, strokes, and high blood pressure.
What are the health risks from marijuana use?
The health risks can include weight gain, respiratory infections, anxiety, panic attacks, and problems with learning and memory.
Demonstrate how to refuse alcohol