Stages of Addiction

Why might someone start misusing or abusing a substance?

A friend or family member models use. Someone they trust says its ok to do. They are curious. They want to escape from a situation or their life. They want to feel something different then how they are feeling now. 


How many stages of addiction are there? 

5 stages


What class of drug speeds up the nervous system?



What are some of the short term effects of alcohol? Must have at least 2 that are listed on the answer screen. 

Slurred speech, impaired coordination, blurred vision, poor judgement. 


What are health professionals and addiction scientists worried about with teen vaping and e-cigarettes ?

That teens will become addicted early and experience health complications later in life. 


Why has it been difficult for addicts to get the help they need when trying to stop using?

Stigma, long wait times or lack of access to recovery services, clinics that weren't using up to date addiction science. 


What stage of addiction does a person need more of a drug in order to achieve the desired effect ?



What class of drug slows down the nervous system?



What does BAC stand for? What level is the limit for driving in Washington state? 

Blood Alcohol Concentration. In Washington it is .08% for Adults and .02% for drivers under 21. 


When you use marijuana are you good to drive ? Is it better then drinking alcohol? 

No! You are still considered as driving under the influence of a substance and it is comparable to drinking and driving. 

Why do some people get addicted to painkillers/narcotics ? (Where did they get started)

A lot of times from an injury that a Doctor give a prescription for. 


What stage of addiction is a person in when they can't stop using the drug even when there are serious problems in their life. 

Final stage: Addiction/Addicted


What class of drug is LSD in ? What does it do to a person? 

Hallucinogen, it can cause the person to hallucinate and distort reality. 


What happens when you use other drugs or medications while drinking ?

It can magnify the effects that the alcohol and other substance are having and can be extremely dangerous.


Is vaping or e-cigarette use a completely safe substitute for tobacco smoking ? Why or why not? 

While it is viewed more favorably in some other countries where restrictions are more strict on nicotine levels and advertising, Vaping and E-cigarettes are still not viewed as completely safe. 


Why should you pour out your drink if you leave it unattended ?

Because someone else might have spiked it with drugs like rohypnol. 


What Stage of addiction is a person in when they "get sick" if they don't take the drug? What is the getting sick part called? 

Dependence, and a person experiences Withdrawal symptoms. 


What classification of drug is fentanyl, oxycontin, and heroin in ? What do they do?

Opioids or Narcotics, cause your body to feel no pain and can create a dopamine dump that leads to severe addiction. 


When a person becomes dangerously ill from consuming to much alcohol this is called ?

Alcohol Poisoning 


What is second hand smoke ? Is it harmful ? 

Second hand smoke is smoke that a person breathes in that another person had released after smoking. It still has harmful chemicals in it and can be dangerous for people that aren't using the substance itself. 


Why would someone be impacted differently by the same substance of the same amount ?

The people are different ages, genders, weight/muscle mass, have eaten different amounts of food, have different genetic dispositions or brain structures. 


What are the 5 stages of addiction in the correct order? 

First use, Continued use, Tolerance, Dependence, Addiction. 


What drug category are rohypnol/benzodiazepines in ? 



What is AA? 

Alcoholics Anonymous, it is a support group for people who are recovering alcoholics. 


What is the only way to "sober up" after drinking alcohol ? What are ways to make sure that a person doesn't have a "hang over" (severe headache) the next day? 

The only way to sober up is to let time pass and let your liver do the work of filtering the alcohol out of your blood. Ways to reduce the likely hood of lingering negative effects are to limit alcohol intake and drink lots of water. 
