alcohol is in these three popular drinks
what is beer,wine,and whiskey
the legal smoking age
what is 21
a prescription drug that is also made and used illegally
what is fentanyl
how is cocaine used
what is snorted
a powerful stimulant that is extremely addictive due to the quick acting and highly potent effects it produces.
what is meth
wine is made from this
what is fermented grapes
a juul is equal to how many cigarettes
what is 20
fent started out legal true or false
what is true
it started as a prescription drug
how is cocaine harmful
what is expanding blood vessels and sending harmful chemicals to the brain
meth can treat this
what is ADHD
vodka is made from this
what is the sugars in potatoes
most common cancer from vaping
what is lung cancer
most common drug over dose
what is synthetic opioids including fent
cocaine does this to the brain
what is neurotoxination
terms or slang for meth
what is “speed,” “tweak,” “go-fast,” “crank,” “rocket fuel,” “ice,” “crystal,” or “glass”
this is the most popular alcoholic drink
what is beer
how much nicotine is in 1 juul
what is 40mg
some ways fent is affecting the brain
what is
where is cocaine from
what is south american countries
meth can cause these
what is rapid or irregular heartbeat, delirium, panic, psychosis, and heart failure
alcohol is originated from this country
what is china
the damage to lungs that either makes holes or swells up lungs
what is popcorn lung
how much more potent is fent than morphine
what is 50 to 100 times more potent
cocaine is from this plant
what is the coca plant
methamphetamine description
what is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder