Despite being the most commonly used drug, it is also the most dangerous.
Name three ways to tell someone you're not interested when offered something new to try?
Say no: No, I'm good.
Excuse: I have practice tomorrow.
Delay: Maybe next time.
Different Idea: I'm going to do this instead...
These can be used to reduce stress and improve overall mental health, which then helps in reducing the possibility of turning to drugs/alcohol to cope.
Stress management and healthy coping skills.
These 3 drugs are perceived as "not that bad" because they are socially accepted and typically the ones teens use first. People who go on to harder substances will always say they started with one of these first.
What is usually the first sign of addiction?
Denial "I don't have a problem!" "I could quit if I wanted to!"
Name three healthy coping skills.
Although not addicting like heroin, cocaine, or meth, the danger with this drug lies with what happens or what the person does while high.
School counselor, liaison, teacher, administrator
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Crisis Hot Line 419-289-6111
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Last week, I asked Mrs. Gibson's class what the #1 reason for vaping is amongst teens. Every single student in every single class said it was to __________.
Relieve stress/relax
Vaping is a temporary fix. It will eventually cause more stress. What's a better way to relieve stress/relax?
Vaping was intended to be the healthier way to use nicotine, but doctors are finding that it's just as harmful, if not more, than cigarette smoking.
What is different about vaping and how does that contribute to the rapid health concerns?
True or False: "Your drug use is out of control. You need to get help!" is a good way to make someone realize they have a problem and push them to get help.
If false, give a better example.
"I've noticed you've been (sleeping a lot, skipping practice, not hanging out with us, missing work...) lately. I'm worried about you. I can help you when you're ready."
True or False: All stress is associate to a negative event or experience.
False. Eustress is positive stress and can be motivating. Getting a new job, planning an event, graduating high school, any major life change, are all positive events, but also very stressful.
What are the long-term effects of marijuana?
Addiction, lack of motivation/interest in hobbies, lung damage, not being able to stop while pregnant, loss of job or lack of job opportunities, legal trouble
Name three ways to help someone who is battling addiction.
Educate yourself, seek help/counseling, don't enable them, provide information on local resources, have realistic expectations, be patient, take care of yourself
Drugs and alcohol are commonly used to deal with mental health issues because it's the quickest and easiest way. However, what are the two most effective ways to deal with mental health issues?
Therapy and medication.