
What is a “blackout”?

A blackout occurs when an individual has ingested enough alcohol to distort or remove their memory.  They are not actually “passed out/unconscious” when they have a blackout, but rather they simply do not remember event(s) that they had participated in when they were intoxicated.


What is stronger, cannabis from the 1960’s or cannabis from today?

Currently, cannabis is approximately ten times stronger than it was in the 1960’s.  This is largely due to the cross-pollination of the more potent plants, hydroponics, and the possible case of the cannabis being laced with other substances.


Which part of the hospital could someone visit from doing hallucinogenic drug?

The psychiatric ward, due to the hallucinations and paranoia someone can experience while on these drugs.


Name three types of Vapes.

Really the list is endless 


What is considered the most significant “gateway” drug?

Nicotine is considered the most significant gateway drug.  “Gateway” refers to the idea that individuals start using a drug and then move on to using other drugs.


What drink is most commonly linked with D.U.I. charges?

Beer is the beverage consumed by most people charged with driving under the influence in Ontario.


True or False:  The effects of smoking pot can last for 2 days (48 hours)?

True:  Despite the fact that the initial “high” will no longer be present, the THC from the cannabis will continue to cause side effects such as lethargy, appetite changes, and also have an impact on the lungs if it is smoked. (Note that THC stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol which is the active ingredient in cannabis that causes the “high”).


Which hallucinogen is by far the “strongest”?

Acid/LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is reported to be the strongest hallucinogen due to not only the high it produces, but also the long-term impacts it can have on the body.


True or False: Vaping can cause lung damage.

Vaping can expose you to harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and acrolein, and metals and contaminants like nickel, tin and aluminum. Vaping can deliver nicotine to your body, causing you to crave it more and more, leading to addiction and physical dependence. In teens, vaping nicotine can also alter brain development.


What is the most dangerous class of drugs used by youth under the age if 14?

Solvent and inhalants which include a wide range of substances not meant to be used as drugs.  These include: gasoline, paint removers, glue, nail polish remover, insecticides, and aerosols.  These drugs are particularly dangerous in that they can cause many severe side effects such as recklessness, suffocation, nerve damage, brain damage, heart failure, overdose, and even suicide attempts.  They are also very widely available to youth in that many of these substances are easily accessible in the home or workplace.


Name five parts of the body which are affected by alcohol.

With the exception of dead material (fingernails, toenails and hair), every tissue in the body is affected by alcohol use.  Therefore, any response given for this question will likely be correct.


Which has more THC, pot, hash or oil?

Oil is the strongest of the three, possessing the highest level of THC and is the most refined form.


Name three hallucinogens.

  • acid/LSD

  • mescaline

  • magic mushrooms/psilocybin

  • PCP

  • ketamine

  • cannabis

  • ecstasy

  • salvia

  • peyote


Is Vaping Addictive?

Yes it is addictive, when first vapes were created the purpose was geared for adults who had a addiction  some cases with Adults you will see the use of vapes to wine off of smoking cigarettes, since with vapes you can lower the amount of nicotine you have in the vape. When you look at it from a teens prospective this is likely the first time with a addictive substance, so it tends to lead teens In to more of a additive path.


True or False: Does buying drugs from the same person (dealer) ensure you are receiving the same product every time.

False. The dealer has no impact on how the drug was prepared/processed. Therefore, you never really know what you’re buying apart from their word.


What is tolerance?

Tolerance is what develops when an individual regularly consumes any type of drug or alcohol.  Due to repetitive use, the individual begins to require more and more of the substance to get “drunk” or “high” and reach the desired effect.  Many additional factors influence one’s level of tolerance such as age, gender, weight, metabolism, food consumed, etc.  (Note that the process of tolerance does not occur for ALL types of drugs).


Why might men not want to use cannabis?

Cannabis has been linked in lowering the sperm count in males.


What is a flashback?

Flashbacks are “replays” of the drug experience and are usually negative in nature.  They can happen at any point in one’s life after the drug was taken.


What are some a effects Nicotine has on the body long term? 

With long term use Nicotine can cause a mix of issues such as Heart failure, lung disease and failure. Also in some case nicotine can cause long term mental heath issues. 


What drug was created to be a less addictive form of morphine?

Heroin was created to be a less addictive form of morphine.  It is derived from morphine but altered to give it a stronger and more immediate effect.  This occurred during the World War Two when the soldiers wounded in battle were displaying addictive behaviour towards the morphine being provided for pain management.  Heroin was created in the hope that it would replace the morphine and be less addictive and habit-forming.


What is the correct term for a hangover?  (What a doctor might call a hangover)

Withdrawal is the correct term for a hangover.  The unpleasant feelings/symptoms of a hangover come from the body going through withdrawal and metabolizing the alcohol out of the system.  That is why some people claim that having another drink prevents a hangover, although this is only based on the fact that they are putting off the inevitable process.


Name three side effects of prolonged/chronic cannabis use.

  • lung problems, increase risk of cancer (unfiltered smoke held in lungs), bronchitis, respiratory irritation

  • reduced motivation, increased lethargy

  • possible link to onset of schizophrenia (in prone individuals)

  • may cause attention deficits

  • short term memory loss


Name three effects hallucinogens have on the body when taken.

  • hallucinations (seeing/hearing/feeling things that are not real)

  • paranoia

  • out-of-body feelings

  • feelings of ecstasy

  • feelings of terror

  • mental confusion

  • dissociation

  • impaired motor coordination

  • seizure


Is it OK to share my vape? 

You never know what someone has put in there Vape, people mod there vapes, or they could have gotten there vape liquid from unreliable sources. To keep yourself and others safe you should not. 


Which route is the quickest for a drug to reach the brain? 

Inhalation (smoking or snorting a drug)

Injection (via needle use)

Ingestion (eating it)

Inhalation (smoking or snorting a drug)

Inhalation is the quickest way for a drug to reach the brain in that it takes place almost immediately.  This is followed by injection which takes about 6-8 seconds longer as the drug circulates through the system first.  This is followed by ingestion in which the drug must first go through the digestive tract as it begins to take effect.
