αν αυτή η πρόταση είναι περίεργη, κατηγορήστε το google translate
what is greek?
number of stars on the Philippine flag
what is 4?
similar to field hockey
what is ice hockey?
what is forgetting?
Whitney's last name
What is Williford?
Se esta frase é estranha, culpe o Google Tradutor.
what is portuguese?
national fruit of the Philippines
what is mango?
events include men's singles, ladies' singles, and pairs
what is figure skating?
what is aioli?
Whitney's birth date
what is May 4th, 2003?
Als deze zin raar is, geef dan google translate de schuld.
what is dutch?
what is Spain, United States of America, and Japan?
Jamaica first qualified for this team event in 1988
What is bobsleigh?
what is pronunciation?
The current number of posts on Whitney's Instagram account
What is 20?
ถ้าประโยคนี้แปลกๆ โทษ google translate นะ
what is thai?
the name of a 2000s animated series, word originates from the Tagalog word for mountain
what is Boondocks?
involves a rare, dense granite that is quarried on Scotland's Ailsa Craig. Each rock weighs 19.1kg and is polished.
what is curling?
what is handkerchief?
the most recent emoji Whitney has sent me
what is the two hearts emoji?
Якщо це речення дивне, звинувачуйте Google Translate.
what is ukrainian?
the Philippines is one of two countries to still sell this McDonald's item (discontinued in the 1980s everywhere else)
what is McSpaghetti?
considered the world's first sliding sport
what is skeleton?
what is fuchsia?
The date of Whitney's first text to me.
What is October 9th, 2021?