Beyonce, Party
Stamped on the $50.00 .999% gold coin minted first in 2006, weighing over 2,000 lbs, this is North America's largest living mammal.
American Bison or Buffalo
_________ are layers of snow that accumulate on mountaintops that melt into rivers and streams and are an important water source for the mountain west.
According to NatGeo, 1/3 of California's water comes from snowpack.
How many states border the State of Idaho?
Integral to the production of liquor _____ is the process of separating the components or substances from a liquid mixture.
Tablets found in Mesopotamia show records of the process dating as far back as 1200 B.C.E.
Young Indigenous leaders like Maya Monroe Runnels-Black Fox,Standing Rock Youth Council, organized direct action in Washington D.C. to stop the building of this structure to transport oil across large distances.
Dakota Access Pipeline
This iconic black, orange and white pollinator is notable for its annual southward late-summer/autumn instinctive migration from the northern and central United States and southern Canada to Florida and Mexico.
Monarch Butterfly, Milkweed Butterfly!
The return north in the spring is a multi-generational journey. Though it only requires 1 generation to migrate south.
How many days are there in the meteorological winter?
90 or 91 Days for Winter, depending on leap years.
92 days for Spring & Summer
91 days for Autumn/Fall
The ________ Horse (American Zebra) was unearthed by geologists in Central Idaho in 1928 and was later made the official state fossil of Idaho.
Helpful when buying furniture, _________ is a measurable extent of some kind: length, width, height, weight.
Etymology: Old French from Latin dimensio(n- ), from dimetiri ‘measure out’
"But one thing is certain.
If we merge mercy with might, and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change our children’s birthright."
2021 First Youth Poet Laureate, Presidential Inauguration of Joe Biden.
Amanda Gorman, 23, The Hill We Climb
This North American marsupial gets its name from the Powhatan language coined by John Smith in Jamestown, Virginia.
Root: opassom / aposoum
Possum vaginas are bifurcated. Possum penises are forked; it has two glandes. Some possums have prehensile tails!
The US uses nearly 22,000,000 tons of this corrosive to melt ice every winter.
It averages about 120 lbs per person.
_______ River is the longest river in Idaho path ~1,076mi.
Followed by the Kootenai 485 mi, Salmon 425 mi
This country shares 5/8 of the island called Hispaniola with Haiti and is the ancestral homeland of the Taíno/Arawak peoples.
Dominican Republic
During the 100-year war, she stated that she was acting under divine guidance, she became a military leader who transcended gender roles and gained recognition as a savior of France.
Joan of Arc was 19 years old during her execution.
This arctic furry friend has black skin and white, hollow-follicle fur that both reflects and absorbs electromagnetic waves, keeping it warm in subzero temperatures perplexing scientists for decades until 2014
polar bears
their fur is so good at absorbing and reflecting electromagnetic waves that it is difficult to find polar bears with infrared cameras
In the upper atmosphere, solar particles collide with gas atoms and "excite" them with extra energy, producing a light showing that the Inuit believe to be the spirits of their ancestors.
Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights
Aurora Australis or Southern Lights
Star Garnet
India has the only other known deposits of star garnets in the world.
A wild or half-domesticated dog with a sandy-colored coat, found in Australia and is also used to describe a cowardly or treacherous person.
This social movement started in 2010 Tunisia by youth retaliating against a corrupt regime and economic stagnation. These uprisings quickly spread to Libya, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain and other Arab countries.
Arab Spring
Arab youth used social media to garner their strength and make their demands for change clear.
A keystone specie and the largest rodent in North America. That has earned the title: Nature's Ecosystem Engineer.
Once the fur trade started, nearly half of the 200mil acres of North America's wetlands were lost. They can regulate floods and are carbon sequesters.
Located near the equator in Tanzania, this mountain has one of the three remaining glaciers on the continent of Africa.
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Mount Kenya, Kenya
Ruwenzori Range, Uganda/Democratic Republic of Congo
How many federally recognized tribes live in the boundaries of Idaho?
Additional 100 Points for names.
Additional 200 Points for what the tribes call themselves.
1/2 of my last names